Top 20 Dragon Ball Abridged Moments #15
Ah the Namekians, a noble and proud race in the Dragonball Universe. Gifted with several unique abilities including regeneration, asexual...

Top 20 Dragon Ball Abridged Moments #16
Dragon Ball Abridged has had its fair share of running gags over the course of fifty plus episodes. Be it Goku’s obsession with a “Muffin...

Top 20 Dragon Ball Abridged Moments #17
The Dragonball Franchise has given us no shortage of great villains. There’s a reason that Team Four Star themselves have dedicated an...

Top 20 Dragon Ball Abridged Moments #19
Welcome back my friends. For our next entry on the countdown, we get a nice little rant from one of the definitive villains of the...

Top 20 Dragon Ball Abridged Moments #20
My friends, welcome to a spur of the moment project I’ve decided to take on. When I was very young, my favorite TV show as Dragon Ball Z,...

Halloween Special: Top Ten Portrayals of Dracula
Since the early days of man, there have been legends of beings that dwell within the shadows, of inhuman revenants that hunt in the night...

Top 20 Episodes of Doctor Who #14: The Doctor's Wife
So, we’ve finally come to an episode featuring the Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith. To date, the youngest actor to take up the role...

Top 20 Episodes of Doctor Who #15: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
So far, we’ve had a lot of fun reminiscing about the classics, but I think it’s high time we returned to New Who. This time, we’re...

Top 20 Episodes of Doctor Who #16: Pyramids of Mars
And now we come to the first Tom Baker episode of the list. Though I personally am partial to David Tennant and Sylvester McCoy myself,...

Top 20 Episodes of Doctor Who #17: Trial of a Timelord
The next Doctor we'll be covering is the Sixth Doctor, played by the always awesome Colin Baker. Sporting a coat so garish that even...