Top 20 Episodes of Doctor Who #18: Castrovalva
Our next entry brings us the debut episode of the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison. As I alluded to in the last article, Davison is David...

Top 20 Episodes of Doctor Who #19: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
It was inevitable that we would eventually cover an episode spotlighting my personal favorite Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant. A...

Top 20 Episodes of Doctor Who #20: Frontier in Space
We kick off our countdown with one of the most beloved Doctors of the old series, the third Doctor Jon Pertwee. At the start of Pertwee's...

Top 20 Episodes of Doctor Who Introduction: The Crimson Horror
As I teased at the end of the final entry in our Deep Space 9 countdown, our next series of Top 20 episodes will be covering another one...

Top 10 Lucha Underground Matches
I have been a fan of professional wrestling since the days when my older brother and I would roll around on the living room floor...

Top 20 Episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine #1: Trials and Tribble-ations
Well ladies and gentlemen, here we are, the final episode on this Deep Space Nine countdown. You know, before I wrote up this article, I...

Top 20 Episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine #2: Far Beyond the Stars
There’s a lot to cover in this episode, so let’s dive right in. We open with Captain Sisko feeling like he’s carrying the weight of the...

Top 20 Episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine #3: In the Pale Moonlight
The countdown is getting down to the wire as we cover an episode that often finds itself at the top of other people’s lists. While...

Top 20 Episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine #4: Waltz
This episode takes place not long after Sisko and the Federation retook Deep Space Nine from The Dominion and the Cardassians. In the...

Top 20 Episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine #5: Duet
Today’s episode takes us all the way back to the first season. We open with a Cardassian arriving on the station. Now, Cardassians aren’t...