Top 20 Dragon Ball Abridged Moments #17
The Dragonball Franchise has given us no shortage of great villains. There’s a reason that Team Four Star themselves have dedicated an entire month to celebrating them. Me personally, if I had my say in that list, number one would undoubtedly be Cell. Intimidating, confident, powerful, and always able to get in your head and push just the right buttons, the bio-engineered monster known as Cell is everything a great villain should be. If this were a list of the top 20 moments in the actual series, the first appearance of Cell would easily make the top five. It’s just such a great moment. An entire city’s population has vanished, and terrifying insectoid creature seems to be responsible. We know nothing about him, but we know right away that he’s powerful and evil. And then, immediately following that, he takes the last remaining citizen of the town and, in one of the most disturbing moments in a cartoon from my childhood, drains him until he deflated like a balloon. This moment has stuck in my mind since I first saw it back in fifth grade, and when I discovered Dragon Ball Abridged, I wondered how they would tackle this scene.
17. Wanna see me Drink this Guy?

As is often the case, Team Four Star did not disappoint me. They kept the disturbing nature of Cell’s introduction intact but added just the right amount of comedy to make it uncomfortably hilarious. Takahata101, who plays a lot of fan favorite characters including Nappa, Guru and Alucard over on Hellsing abridged which we briefly discussed in our Dracula article, does the voice of Cell and he gives him a very cartoonish personality, which in a strange way really fits. So, with the scene tense as hell, cell just abrubtly asks “Wanna see me drink this guy?” before draining his poor victim. It’s a scene that does great justice to a memorable moment from my childhood. It’s more than worthy of a spot on the list.