Wes's Top 5 Christmas Movies
Welcome to Wes’s Top 5 Christmas Movies. If you read the previous article, you all know why we’re here and even if you didn’t, the title...

Top 10 Movies of 2017
Before we get started, I apologize for this article being so late, but that’s what you get when you work two very time consuming jobs...

Top 10 Movies of 2016
Well my friends, the time has come at last. I won’t lie, 2016 for many was not a good year. Many icons of music and entertainment were...

Top 5 Movies of the Past 5 Years
For as long as I’ve been blogging, one of my favorite yearly traditions has been counting down my top ten films of the year. Rest assured...

Passengers: A Good Movie that Deserved to be a Great one
So, a little over a week ago, I took in the new science fiction film Passengers starring Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. Despite being...

My Thoughts on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Disclaimer: This article will contain some spoilers. I will do my best to keep them to a minimum, but if you haven’t yet seen Rogue One...

Halloween Special: An Ode to the Addams Family
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s October, which means it’s a time to celebrate all things creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky. Welcome...

My Thoughts on Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
As many, myself included, had predicted, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice has proven to be one of the most polarizing superhero films...

Ghostbusters: Deviations Review
One of Marvel’s most popular and enduring titles, is called “What If” in which they explore several possible scenarios in which some...