Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: The Mirror
Welcome once again to another exciting episode of Gargoyles. Today’s episode opens with Demona (Marina Sirtis, Take a Shot) breaking into...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Lighthouse in the Sea of Time
It’s time once again for your daily recommended dose of Gargoyles. Our episode opens in a cave somewhere in England where a mustachioed...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Legion
Welcome back once again to Gargoyles. As promised, today’s episode sees the return of Cold Stone. We open with the lifeless body of Cold...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Metamorphosis
Welcome Back to Gargoyles Everyone! Today’s episode opens in a New York back alley where a homeless women is offered a job by a...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Leader of the Pack
Welcome everyone, to our first foray into season two of Gargoyles. If you’re familiar with the show, then you know what this means, we...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Reawakening
Welcome back to Gargoyles everybody. Our episode today opens with a convenience store getting robbed. That may seem like a non-sequitur,...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Her Brother's Keeper
Welcome back to Gargoyles everyone. We open with Elisa, who seems to have become more than a little obsessed with proving that Xanatos is...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Long Way to Morning
Welcome back to your daily recommended dose of Gargoyles. We open with a flashback to Castle Wyvern back in tenth century Scotland,...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: The Edge
Welcome back to Gargoyles everybody! Last time, Elisa finally convinced the Gargoyles to leave the castle, setting them up in an old...

Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Enter MacBeth
Welcome back to Gargoyles my friends! We open in the castle where the Gargoyles are going about their nightly business. Broadway is...