Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Her Brother's Keeper

Welcome back to Gargoyles everyone.

We open with Elisa, who seems to have become more than a little obsessed with proving that Xanatos is dirty. To that end, she’s recruited her brother Derek, a police helicopter pilot to tail him. According to Elisa, Xanatos always spots the tail when it’s in a car (Yeah, because a helicopter is so much less conspicuous.) Derek seems to agree that Elisa is obsessed and feels that this is a waste of police recources but Elisa insists that she’s right.

At the clocktower, Lexington, Brookyln and Broadway are bickering over some video game, Brooklyn even calling Broadway a “Big Dumb Gargoyle with his Brains in his Stomach.” Screw you Brookyln, did you already forget how Broadway saved your ass from the Laser Robot Gargoyles two episodes ago? Anywho, Goliath immediately breaks this up, reminding them that this behavior is unbecoming of warriors.

We finally join Xanatos (Jonathan Frakes, Take a Shot) who is very much aware that he’s being tailed by a loud and noisy police helicopter and doesn’t seem to care very much as his limo pulls up to a Diamond auction. Scoping out the place for a heist are none other than Jackal and Hyena, our old pals from The Pack. They got eyes on a jewel called The Coyote Diamond, which they’ve been told is one of the most valuable stones on earth. Hyena, psychopath that she is, wants to just grab it and murder everyone standing between them and a way out, but Jackal reigns her in, not wanting to join Wolf and Fox in prison. They also mention that Dingo fled to Europe to avoid capture in case you were wondering. Just as Jackal is about to start a more delicate way of stealing the stone, it’s removed from its case, having just been purchased by Xanatos. While Hyena is fuming, someone recognizes her from TV and Hyena, wanting to kill SOMETHING today and not really being the picky sort, pulls a knife on the guy. While his sister causes a scene, Jackal takes advantage and snatches the diamond. The two try to escape using hang gliders they stashed on the roof, but they’re stopped by Derek’s police chopper. Jackal shoots out the rear rotor on the helicopter, but Derek still manages a successful landing and Elisa pulls her gun on the two thieves. Unfortunately, the two manage to escape on their hang gliders, Xanatos calmly remarking that there’s “Never a Gargoyles around when you Need one.” Xanatos is impressed that Derek was able to land the damaged chopper so well and offers him a job as his pilot and bodyguard. The job is likely to be a bit less stressful than policework and most definitely pays better. Elisa thinks that Derek shouldn’t even consider Xanatos’ offer, but Derek thinks that’s just her obsession keeping him from what could be a great opportunity.
Back at… wait, Pack Media Studios!? Jackal and Hyena are still hiding out in the TV studio? Aren’t they fugitives? This is like, the first place the cops would look! Whatever, Jackal gets new orders from Fox, assassinate Xanatos. Hyena cackles with glee at the idea of finally getting a chance to kill someone.

At the clocktower, Elisa asks the Gargoyles what she should do about her brother. Goliath suggests revealing the Gargoyles to him, but Elisa isn’t sure that’s a great idea. Elisa then goes to confront her brother who reveals that he’s accepted Xanatos’ offer. While Elisa and her dad, who is also a cop, share their concerns over Derek leaving the force over drinks, Elisa’s mother (Nichelle Nichols, Take a Shot) thinks that Derek should do what he wants with his life. No matter what angle Elisa tries, she just can’t seem to convince her brother that this is a bad idea.

That night, on Goliath’s orders, Brooklyn, Lexington and Broadway are keeping an eye on Derek, bickering the entire time. As Xanatos’ helicopter comes under attack by Jackal and Hyena, the Gargoyles spring into action, forcing Jackal and Hyena to parachute out of their chopper and Lexington to fly it to safety. Having never flown a helicopter in his life, Lex struggles a bit causing Brooklyn to condescendingly advise him to “use the force.” I swear, the seeds for the eventually merger between Disney and Star Wars were planted long before anyone initially thought. Well, The Pack got away, but hey, The Gargoyles have an attack helicopter now, a busted one, but Lexington thinks he can get it working again, so that’s cool.

The next day, Elisa visits Fox in prison in order to find out what Jackal and Hyena are up to. It is here where we learn that Fox was the only one who knew that Xanatos was the man who created the pack. This makes sense. Knowing that Xanatos likes to keep control of the situation, he likes to plant one of his own people within any group formed to do his bidding. Remember, it was only after he put Demona with the Gargoyles that they agreed to the Cyberbiotics heist, so Fox is likely filling a similar role within The Pack. And, because Xanatos likes to do things with a little extra style, he likes to make sure his insider is always a hot red head, because who doesn’t love a hot Red Head. Turns out Xanatos arranged for Jackal and Hyena to be at the Diamond Auction and even ordered fox to put a hit out on him, all to maneuver Derek to his side, presumably just to piss Elisa off. I have to say, I love Fox in this scene, she comes across as equal parts Hannibal Lector and Xanatos Groupie, it’s awesome and at times, kinda creepy. Fortunately, Elisa isn’t dumb and was recording the whole conversation. Finally, she has the evidence to prove to Derek that Xanatos is not to be trusted. As Elisa is about to leave the prison, Goliath swoops in to inform Elisa that Derek and Xanatos have headed north in Xanatos’ helicopter. Elisa deduces that they’re heading for Xanadu, his upstate retreat. Guess Xanatos loves him some early 80’s Olivia Newton-John musicals. Anywho, The Gargoyles head for the retreat in the helicopter that Lexington fixed up.

At Xanadu, Xanatos continues to praise Derek’s skills as a pilot while Jackal and Hyena lay waiting in the Woods ready to strike. As Jackal and Hyena make their move, The Gargoyles arrive in their chopper, Lexington having made a couple of improvements to keep the two assassins on the ropes. With The Pack dealt with, Xanatos thanks Elisa for her assistance before giving her a private moment alone with her brother. Turns out, Xanatos told Derek all about The Gargoyles and that still hasn’t deterred him from keeping his new job. Elisa and Derek continue to argue until Goliath has finally had enough of their shit and snaps.

“You Don’t Know how Lucky you are to have Siblings to Fight With. All of my Rookery Brothers are Dead. And there is nothing, NOTHING more important than Family.”

Goliath’s words seem to get through to the quarreling siblings and Elisa finally concedes that Derek needs to live his own life and make his own choices. Elisa gives Derek her tape recorder where she recorded the evidence from Fox but leaves the decision to listen to the recording up to him. Whether or not Derek chooses to listen to it is left ambiguous as the episode draws to a close.
While Brooklyn, Lexington and Broadway’s constant bickering gets really tiresome, overall, I found this to be a much more enjoyable outing than Long Way to Morning. The Fight scenes were cool, I absolutely loved the scene with Fox and it was really cool to see Jackal and Hyena again. Not the strongest outing we’ve had so far, but a fun time nonetheless. Next time, Demona and Xanatos join forces to menace the Gargoyles and we learn that Goliath’s Rookery Brothers may not be as dead as he thinks in Reawakening.