Wes's Top 20 Disney Villains (10-1)

Welcome Back to the Countdown. We’re moving into the Top 10 so let us waist no further time and jump right in to it.
10. Gaston from Beauty and The Beast

There was a time where I had the same pissed off reaction to this movie that I did for The Little Mermaid. Over time however, that opinion has softened and I’ve learned to appreciate Beauty and The Beast for fun, but flawed, movie that it is. Among the many things the film has going for it, Beauty and The Beast boasts a very unique and entertaining antagonist. Unlike other villains we’ve covered so far, Gaston isn’t a maniacal sorcerer bent on world domination or anything like that. Really, he’s just kind of a jerk. Okay, there’s no "kind of" about it, he’s a complete jerk. If toxic masculinity were a religion, Gaston here would be the freaking messiah. This dude oozes bravado, machismo and pure unadulterated ego every second he’s on screen, especially when the entire town sings a song about how awesome he is. One could almost say that Gaston was Zap Brannigan before there was a Zap Brannigan. And yet, somehow, all the ladies in town are constantly throwing themselves at him. Well, all except for Belle that is, who wants nothing to do with the big muscle head. Since no one ever taught Gaston that no means no, Belle’s rejection of him only serves to further infatuate the big lug with the odd bookworm. What makes it especially creepy is that Gaston’s interest in Belle has nothing to do with genuine love or affection. It’s more that any of the other woman in town throwing themselves at his feet would be too easy, and Gaston, a man with a hunter’s mentality sees Belle as a challenge. In a lot of ways, Gaston provides an interesting contrast to the eponymous Beast. While learning love, patience and understanding eventually helps the Beast re-discover his long-lost humanity, jealously, ego and obsession slowly turns Gaston into an animal. Creepy, toxic and completely self-absorbed, Gaston is definitely one of the Disney Villain Greats.
9. Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas

Well, well, well, what have we here? Mr. Oogie Boogie huh? Ooh, I’m really scared. No, for real, this dude gives he the creeps. Despite the fact that it came out in 1993, I actually didn’t see The Nightmare Before Christmas until High School, nearly fifteen years after the fact. Despite being late to the party, I do make a point to watch the movie every year. In case you’re wondering, I watch it on Thanksgiving in order to bypass all that “Is it a Halloween Movie, Is it a Christmas Movie” nonsense. And yeah, you bet your ass this creepy film has an even creepier antagonist. Even the denizens of Halloween Town, whose job, mind you, is to scare people, give this spook a wide birth. The only people who seem to tolerate him are his minions, Lock, Shock and Barrel who are pretty creepy themselves. With his lair decorated to look like a twisted combination of a an underground rave and a Las Vegas casino, Oogie is a gambler and a sadist who delights in torturing anyone unfortunate enough to wander into his domain. And if you think he’s just an overgrown potato sack, think again. Underneath you’ll find that Oogie is filled to the seams with disgusting bugs, worms, spiders and all other manner of creepy crawlies. To make things even more twisted, Oogie spends the majority of his screen time torturing Santa Clause. That’s some next level evil right there. It’s not all bad however, Oogie certainly knows how to perform one heck of a swinging jazz number. That’s likely due to his voice actor, Broadway veteran Ken Page, whose incredible pipes really bring Oogie to life in a way no one else could. Twisted, creepy and caring not for anything other than his own sadistic amusement, The Gamblin’ Boogie Man definitely deserves a spot on this list.
8. Hades from Hercules

Don’t get me wrong, this character is awesome, and we’ll get into just how awesome he is in a second, but I feel that there’s something important that needs to be addressed first. This character, great as he is, is not Hades. Hades of Greek Myth and Lucifer of Christian theology are not the same person, and Hades, while certainly not a nice guy and definitely someone you didn’t want pissed off at you, was nonetheless no more or less malevolent than any of the other Gods of Olympus. Far too many television shows and movies fail to understand that, and sadly, Disney’s Hercules is no exception. With that out of the way though, this character is still pretty awesome. While all the other gods have a never-ending party up on Mt. Olympus, Hades is down in the Underworld, busy planning a hostile takeover that involves freeing the monstrous titans and overthrowing Zeus. However, so the prophecy goes, the only one who can stand in his way is Hercules. And so, Hades does everything in his power to take down Wonder Boy before he can put his plan into motion. While I’m not the biggest fan of James Woods these days, I can’t imagine any other actor giving voice to Hades. It’s a damn near perfect marriage of character and voice actor and it can be hard to separate the two in your mind. Woods’ fast delivery makes Hades sound less like an all-powerful God and more like a used car salesman or a sleazy Hollywood agent, the perfect attitude for a lucifer figure like this. While often calm cool and collected, that demeanor masks a fiery temper that’s equal parts funny and threatening whenever he flies off the handle. Make no mistake, while Hades is one of the more comedic villains on this list, the threat he poses is no joke. Much like Ursula, Hades specializes in making deals in exchange for one’s soul, as we see with Megara. However, unlike Ursula, who only had some ginger moron to deal with, Hades is exceedingly clever and knows how stack the deck against his victims so he always gets what he wants in the end. Manipulative, suave, and very hot-headed, Hades is one God you don’t want steamed up.
7. Scar from The Lion King

How can you not love The Lion King? It’s one of the most classic and beloved films in Disney’s entire library. It’s got an excellent soundtrack, an all-star voice cast and several scenes that have stuck with its audience nearly thirty years later. And naturally, one of the most beloved Disney films is not without one of the most beloved Disney villains. The younger brother of King Mufasa, Scar was always obsessed with finding a way to usurp his brother’s throne, relying on deception, scheming and alliances with sinister hyenas to accomplish that goal. Worse yet, once he finally manages to take out Mufasa, he frames his nephew Simba for his brother’s death, forcing the young cub into exile while he assumes power. Scar is voiced by the always awesome Jeremy Irons, who really gives Scar that much needed dose of gleeful malevolence that no Disney villain should ever be without. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly where to begin with all the things that make Scar one of the greats. I could talk about how he’s the only lion in the movie whose claws are always out. I could talk about how he has one of the best musical numbers in a movie with an already stellar soundtrack. I could talk about the iconic scene where the throws Mufasa into the stampede after whispering “Long Live The King.” I could talk about the epic climax in which Scar battle Simba on the edge a burning Pride Rock. I could talk about the fact that he commands an ARMY OF NAZI HYENAS! Or, I could talk about how in the Disney Jr. show, The Lion Guard, Scar is resurrected an enormous volcano demon, because, y'know that’s totally a natural progression and not completely insane. The only thing that keeps Scar out of the top five is the fact that once he finally gets what he wants and takes over as king, he actually kind of sucks at it. He refuses to leave Pride Rock despite the land dying and food becoming more and more scarce. He allows pride rock to essentially be occupied by a foreign power by inviting the Hyenas into their land. And worst of all, he forces Zazu to sing the It’s a Small World song. In any case, Scar is still one of the most iconic villains in the Disney rogue’s gallery and one bad kitty you can never be prepared to deal with.
6. Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

If you ever meet someone who says they don’t love Who Framed Roger Rabbit, they’re either lying, or you need to cut them out of your life immediately. This movie is awesome. Not only does it contain the only scene in film or television history in which Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse have appeared side by side, a surreal moment to say the least, it’s also a damn fun and enjoyable flick in its own right and the integration of cartoons and live action was groundbreaking for the time. While Roger Rabbit’s status as a Disney movie is iffy at best, I’m still going to allow it for the purposes of this countdown. To answer the film’s question, it was this guy, this guy framed Roger Rabbit. Judge Doom, the film’s antagonist, is the only live action villain to make the cut, but he still has everything that makes his animated contemporaries so deliciously evil. The judge, who’s implied to have acquired his position through bribery and other unscrupulous means, has sworn to bring law and order to Toon Town, having created a chemical formula capable of killing toons, something long thought to have been impossible. Later, it’s revealed that this is all part of a much larger plot to wipe Toon Town off the face of the earth to build a freeway in its place. Right off the bat, Doom has all the makings of a scary bad guy. He’s tall, he’s dark, he’s imposing, he’s Christopher Lloyd, right on the money. Throughout the film, Doom and his Weasel henchmen are chasing Roger and Eddie, all the while scaring the hell out of both our heroes and the audience alike. Things get especially terrifying at the end of the film when Doom is revealed to not only have been a toon himself all along, but the very toon responsible for the death of Eddie Valiant’s brother. No matter how old you are, I guarantee, the second you saw Doom look back at Eddie with those burning red cartoon eyes and admit to killing Eddie’s brother with that unsettlingly squeaky voice, you were shitting bricks. Doom was scary before, but once his true nature is revealed, he becomes pure nightmare fuel. Twisted in every sense of the word, Doom is what I call one seriously disturbed toon.
5. Shan Yu from Mulan

Alright, we’ve hit the top five so let’s get down to business. I go back and forth about how I feel about Mulan. It’s definitely a fun Disney classic, but it’s not without its flaws. Still, the songs are great, Mulan is a likeable character (Ming-Na Wen is the shit) and in my opinion, it has probably the most underrated Disney villain in history. It is frankly shocking to me that this guy rarely features on lists such as this one. I’ll admit, he’s not as over-the-top and cartoonish as the likes of Jafar or Hades, but I think he makes up for it by being a complete and total badass. Little is known about Shan Yu other than he’s the leader of the invading Hun army and is hellbent on conquering all of China, presumably so he’ll finally have a place to fit all of his muscles. Sporting one of the most imposing designs in Disney villain history, Shan Yu is larger than life, with yellow eyes against black irises, a pet hawk on his shoulder and a nasty looking blade clutched in his fist. Shan Yu is voiced by the late Miguel Ferrer, known for various roles in film and television, my personal favorite being Bob Morton from Robocop. And much like what Morton did for Alex Murphy, Ferrer’s voice helps make Shan Yu one bad mother fucker. Shan Yu is a man of few words, which means he makes everything he says count. When he learns that all of China knows of his invasion, he simply responds with a smile and says “Perfect.” Shan Yu doesn’t want this invasion to be easy for him, he wants a challenge. Nowhere is that mentality more present than later in the film when he insists that he was invited by the emperor himself, believing that the emperor built his walls to challenge his strength. Let’s unpack that shall we. Shan Yu is so hardcore and so sure of his own badassitude, that he takes one look at THE GREAT WALL OF FUCKING CHINA, which I will remind you, is the largest man made structure on the planet, widely recognized as the most impressive architectural feat in history as well as the only man made structure visible from space, and he says, “Challenge Accepted.” That, my friends, is a Badass! Imposing, confident and never without a chilling taunt, Shan Yu deserves some more recognition on lists such as this.
4. Dr. Facilier from The Princess & The Frog

I actually rewatched this movie for the first time in years to prepare for writing this article. While I really enjoy the soundtrack and the cool New Orleans aesthetic, the movie is… just okay. There’s nothing especially bad about it but it’s nothing really to write home about. That is, accept for any scene that features the villain of the piece, the sinister voodoo witch doctor, Dr. Facilier, also known as The Shadow Man. There are many who would say that The Shadow Man here was the last truly great Disney villain, and I’m inclined to agree. Facilier here fits right in here with the likes of Jafar and the Evil Queen. If you’re familiar with my Gargoyles retrospective, then The Shadow Man will sound very familiar indeed. That’s right, Goliath himself, Keith David lends his signature intimidating baritone to the good Doctor, already upping the awesome factor of this dude. Facilier absolutely steals every single second of screen time he’s given. I especially love how his shadow seems to have a mind of its own, moving and dancing independently of the man casting it. In addition to that, Shadow Man’s got plenty of other nasty tricks up his sleeve. He’s got voodoo, he’s got hoodoo, he’s got things he ain’t even tried, and, of course, he’s got friends on the other side. At first, Facilier is little more than a con artist, using his magic to swindle unsuspecting suckers and tourists. However, when a wealthy prince comes to town looking to marry the daughter of Big Daddy, the richest man in New Orleans, The Shadow Man sees an opportunity for a bigger prize. Facilier casts a curse on the prince, transforming him into a frog while the Prince’s put-upon servant impersonates the Prince and marries Big Daddy’s daughter in his place. Once they have their hands on Big Daddy’s fortune, Facilier will control all of New Orleans, meaning that the souls of the entire city will be fair game for the Doc’s shadow demon pals. Like I said, every scene with this guy in it is pure gold, particularly the chilling scene in which he tries seduce the main character, Tiana, into making a deal with him. There’s also an interesting side-plot where it’s implied that the magical power that Dr. Facilier wields is not fully his own, but rather borrowed from his friends on the other side. His depts are piling up, and if he doesn’t deliver the souls of New Orleans, the other side will come to collect. It seems that as bad as Facilier may be, his friends are even worse. Still, Facilier has earned his place amongst the classic villains, as has been reflected in some of the Disney Parks stage shows where he stands proudly alongside his fellow classic Disney bad guys. Check them out on Youtube if you have a chance. I personally recommend Disney Villains Unite the Night, which is where I got that sweet looking banner up there. With appearances like this, it’s nice to know that the Shadow Man has taken his place among the greats.
3. Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty

You know, one could say that Maleficent has a lot in common with Dr. Facilier, in that both are the most interesting and entertaining aspect of the film that they appear in. However, unlike The Princess and The Frog, where Tiana and the other characters at least have charming and memorable personalities, if you ever have the urge to watch Sleeping Beauty, honestly, I’d recommend fast forwarding through any scene that doesn’t feature Maleficent. Perhaps the movie is appropriately titled because any scene without the film's antagonist tends to put me to sleep. In truth, Maleficent makes much more of an impact on the viewer than Princess Aurora or Prince Phillip. Hell, I’ll bet dollars to donuts that most of you didn’t even know that the prince in Sleeping Beauty even had a name. The point is, just about the only good thing about the film is the Mistress of all evil herself. For such a grandiose villainess, her motivation is shockingly mundane. Maleficent vows revenge on the kingdom by placing a curse on the king and queen’s infant daughter that will ensure her death before her sixteenth birthday, all because she wasn’t invited to a party. You may think that’s petty, and to be fair, it totally is, but if an evil fairy queen with the power to blast me into oblivion just for looking at her the wrong way wants to attend one of my parties, I’ll be damn sure to mail her invitations before anyone elses. I like not having any pissed off fey creatures hunting me down thank you very much. And yeah, Maleficent is a seriously powerful force to reckoned with, with powers that include covering the castle in thorns and transforming herself into an enormous fire breathing dragon. It seems other people have noticed that Maleficent is too awesome for her own movie since her popularity seems to have extended far beyond the film. The mistress of all evil is all over Disney media and Disney Parks, often as the main antagonist in Disney stage shows. My personal favorite appearance is in the Kingdom Hearts video game series where Maleficent serves as one of the main antagonists, leading a veritable dream team of Disney bad guys, most of whom have appeared on this list already. One could argue that Maleficent is the unofficial leader of all Disney villains. So, I suppose I should talk about the live action film. Suffice to say, I do not care for it. Now, I like the design of live action Maleficent, I feel that Angelina Jolie is a talented actress who looks the part (Good Lord, That Woman has Cheekbones for Days), and I’m not against a reimagining of a classic story, but to retcon the entire story to where Maleficent, who I’ll remind you is the self-proclaimed Mistress of All Evil, was the hero the whole time just doesn’t sit well with me. Either way, Maleficent is arguably the most iconic Disney villain of all time and I wouldn’t argue with anyone who puts her at number 1. Personally, I still think there are two who are more deserving. Let’s get to them, shall we.
2. Professor Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective

I adore this movie. I’ve always been a fan of Sherlock Holmes mysteries and the various incarnations and adaptations thereof. This film is Disney’s version of Sherlock Holmes, and it’s awesome. The protagonist, Basil, the eponymous Great Mouse Detective, is one of my favorites in Disney History. I just love his manic energy and determination, much like his human counterpart, Sherlock Holmes himself. The film even manages a sneak a cameo from the actual Sherlock Holmes using archived audio from my favorite Holmes/Watson duo, Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. And of course, every great Sherlock Holmes worth his salt needs a Professor James Moriarty to challenge him, and as such, Basil of Baker Street is nothing without his nemesis, Professor Ratigan. The self-proclaimed World’s Greatest Criminal Mind, the Professor is one of the most notorious crooks in all of London, gleefully proud of every single caper, heist and evil deed he’s committed. Such evil deeds, I should mention, apparently include the drowning of innocent widows and orphans. So right off the bat, we’re talking about one sick sewer rat, or… rather large mouse. Call this dude a rat he’ll feed you to his pet cat Felicia, a threat often used to keep his minions in line. In the film, Ratigan is hatching his most devious plot yet, kidnapping the Queen and replacing her with a robotic puppet. Once the fake Queen is in place, Ratigan plans to use it to declare himself King. And only Basil can stop him. We’ve discussed voice actors quite a bit in this countdown, and Ratigan probably has the best of the bunch because he’s voiced by the legendary Vincent Price. For those of you who don’t know who Vincent Price is, first of all, shame on you, and second, Vincent Price is a legend of horror movies and general over the top acting. You know that sinister laugh at the end of Michael Jackson’s Thriller, that was Vincent Price, and he is perfect for Ratigan. Every word out of Ratigan’s mouth oozes gleeful evil. One of my favorite scenes in the film is the final battle in the clocktower. Throughout the movie, despite trying to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, there are constant hints that there’s a mad animal lurking just under the surface. Once Basil foils his plan and exposes the false Queen, Ratigan snaps and all that inner monster completely takes over and it’s downright scary as Ratigan chases Basil all through Big Ben, beating the holy hell out of him in the process. So twisted you both love him and are terrified of him, Ratigan could easily have made number one, but we still got one left to go.
But first, we have a whole bumper crop of honorable mentions to discuss

Chernabog from Fantasia – While often ranking high on lists such as this, I personally cannot in good conscience call Chernabog a villain since, well… Fantasia just isn’t that kind of movie. Still, Chernabog’s terrifying presence is still one of the most memorable things about the film

Lady Tremaine from Cinderella – Sharing a voice actress with Maleficent, the wicked Stepmother is nasty bitch, and not the good kind. This lady seems to delight in being cruel to Cinderella, but sadly she just barely missed the final cut.

The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland – This character is lovably over the top and I certainly enjoy her penchant for decapitation. Sadly, she’s just a little too one-note to make this list.

Captain Hook from Peter Pan – While counted among the most iconic Disney Villains, the good Captain sadly just missed the boat. Nothing wrong with the character, I’ve just seen better versions of Hook in other movies and shows.

The Horned King from The Black Cauldron – One of the more frightening and lesser known villains in Disney’s lineup. The king is pretty much the only thing I remember about The Black Cauldron.

Percival C. McLeach from The Rescuers Down Under – THESE ARE NOT, JOANNA EGGS!

The Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus – This terrifying trio almost made it to the list on the back of the “Come Little Children” scene alone. Unfortunately, they’re just a bit too goofy for my taste.

William Clayton from Tarzan – One that’s always stuck with me, but not one that has a lot going for him besides a great voice actor. Still, no way will I miss an opportunity to shout out the loudest man on Earth, Brian Blessed!

Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove – Yzma is easily one of the funniest villains in Disney History but she’s not quite as threatening as some of the others. Still, I had to show love for Yzma’s voice actress and my personal favorite Catwoman, Eartha Kitt.

Captain Barbosa from Pirates of the Carribean – I love the Pirates movies and I love Geoffrey Rush as Barbosa especially. But, given the character’s arc over the course of five movies, it’s hard for me not to think of him as a good guy these days.

Syndrome from The Incredibles – Another one that just barely missed the cut. A supervillain with an impressive body count who’s insufferable smugness is brought to life nicely by Jason Lee

Mother Gothel from Tangled – It broke my heart to leave Mother Gothel off the list since she truly is a twisted character and the way she gaslights Rapunzel is very unsettling. Sadly, the wicked stepmother trope was done to death long before Gothel came along.

Mor'du from Brave – I mean, it's an enormous terrifying Ghost Bear. I had to at least give it an honorable mention.
And now, on to the main event!
1. Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame

I tried. God help me, I tried. I looked through every Disney movie ever made. I searched high and low, hoping, or perhaps fearing that I’d find a character more despicable, more detestable, more overwhelmingly evil than the Judge here, and I’m… I guess proud to say, I have failed. Hunchback of Notre Dame is a phenomenal movie. The soundtrack is epic, the animation is beautiful and it deals with some pretty adult subject matter, especially for a Disney flick. Take out those stupid Gargoyles and I would almost call this film a masterpiece. Seriously, those Gargoyles really drag the film down, Goliath would be ashamed. And of course, we wouldn’t be talking about this film in the number one spot if it didn’t have one hell of a villain. Seriously, Frollo here is a real piece of work. The first thing, the FIRST THING, we see him do is murder a woman in cold blood and attempt to drown her deformed infant son. And this isn’t a throwaway line in a song like with Ratigan, no, we see him, on screen for God and all the world to see, dangling a baby over a deep well. Fortunately, Frollo, in what must have been the fulfillment of his altruism quota from the next several decades, opts not to drown the innocent child and instead locks him away in a belltower and spends the next twenty years reminding him that he’s an unholy abomination that no one could ever love. What a guy! Worse yet, Frollo seems to take issue with the gypsy population of Paris and has called soldiers away from the front lines of the war in order to help him *ahem* cleanse the city. Hooray! Mass Genocide! And to make matters even worse, if that’s even possible at this point, the gypsy woman, Esmerelda, becomes the object of his lust, despite the rather disturbing fact that he’s forty years her senior and, somehow even worse, Esmerelda is meant to be sixteen years old and therefore, underage. Blatant pedophilia not enough for you? Well, when Esmerelda is somehow not won over by the unwanted advances of a murderous, pedophilic old racist, Frollo puts together a city wide manhunt for the young woman, burning down the homes of innocent people simply because they might be harboring her. And then, to top it all off, when he finally has Esmerelda tied to the stake, he offers her one last chance for freedom, provided she gives the disgusting old fuck a good hard shag. What the shit Disney? However, the real rotten mayonnaise in this twisted fuck sandwich that is Frollo’s rap sheet is that every single act of evil I listed above, Frollo justifies by claiming it was done in service the lord. Ugh… here we go. Okay, now I personally am not a religious man, but I've never felt that religion is a bad thing in and of itself. If you feel that devotion to God has given you purpose or guidance or has had any kind of positive influence on your life whatsoever, well I think that's just dynamite. What I have and will always take issue with are people who use faith and religion as a smoke screen for their own evil agendas. You read all that up there, there’s no possible justification for that, and yet so deluded is this sicko that he thinks that being a man of faith makes him the hero of this story. I say again, what the shit Disney? Fuck me, let’s talk about something positive before I lose it. The demonstratively not awesome Frollo is voiced by the always awesome Tony Jay, who fans of 90’s cartoons will recognize as Megabyte, the villain from Reboot and fans of my Gargoyles Retrospective will recall as Anubis. The dude has very deep and commanding voice that’s perfect for Frollo, and to this day The Judge is recognized as Jay's most iconic role. Frollo also gets the coolest song sequence in the film with the song Hellfire, which is every bit as disturbing as it is hauntingly beautiful. What ultimately sets this nasty bastard apart from all the others on the list is the fact that, while all the others are despicable in their own way, they’re still also very entertaining and you can eventually grow to like or enjoy them. You don’t like Frollo, you loathe Frollo. Save for the voice of Tony Jay, there is literally nothing likable about Frollo, and for that, how can I put him any lower than number one.
And that will about do it for my list of the Top 20 Disney Villai-WAIT!
I stand by the Top 20 you just read, but this is a list of Disney Villains, and there was no way in hell that I was going to let this list go by without paying homage to the true greatest antagonist the Disney corporation has ever created. And if you’re familiar with my articles, you already know who I’m talking about.
You Know Him!
You Love Him!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Give It Up For…
The Real Number 1: David Xanatos from Gargoyles

I intentionally limited the main list to cinematic villains only, but I wasn’t about to close this sucker out without reminding you all who really sits at the top of the heap. If you read my Gargoyles retrospective, you already know why Xanatos is the man, but for uninitiated, meet my favorite character in the history of fiction, David, Mother Fucking, Xanatos! Ever wondered what Tony Stark would be like if he were a James Bond Villain, well wonder no more. Xanatos is at all times, the smartest, richest and coolest man in the room. This is a man who bought a dilapidated castle in Scotland, moved it stone by stone to the top of a New York City Skyscraper all on the off chance that a thousand year old prophecy that doing so would awaken a dormant clan of winged monsters so he could manipulate them into robbing his future father-in-law. Not enough for ya? Check this out. Xanatos once put together a team of elite mercenaries, psychotic assassins and adrenaline junkies, gave them their own TV Show, complete with their own TV Studio, inserted his girlfriend among their ranks as a liaison so he can maintain his anonymity, orders them to try and assassinate him just so he can mess with his enemies, later inserts a terminator of himself into the group and upgrades the other members with enhanced robotics and gene splicing. It gets better! Xanatos once joined forces with a thousand-year-old Gargoyle, and, using the shattered remains of her dead siblings, they created a Zombie Gargoyle Cyborg by combining advanced science and ancient magic. Said Cyborg apparently developed multiple personality disorder and went on a rampage, accidently downloading a powerful virus that Xanatos stole. You want more? I know you do. When Xanatos was a young boy, he anonymously received an old coin worth worth a sweet twenty grand. That cash formed the foundation of what would become Xanatos’s billion-dollar business empire. Twenty years later, it’s night of Xanatos’s wedding, and does he take his wife honey mooning in Hawaii, hell no! Hawaii is for basic bitches. No, he manipulates a pair of Gargoyles into uniting an ancient time travel talisman that brings Xanatos and his new wife, Fox, to medieval Scotland where we learn that Xanatos, using his ILLUMINATI CONNECTIONS, was the very person who sent himself the twenty-thousand-dollar coin in the first place. That’s right, Xanatos bent the space time continuum itself over a cold steel rail and made it call him daddy, becoming a billionaire in the process. That would be enough for any man to go out on top, but not David Xanatos, no siree Bob. When David finds out his mother in law is actually a powerful Fairy Queen whose new husband is on warpath to steal his newborn son and take him to faraway Avalon, Xanatos stares down Oberon, king of the fairies, the closest thing that the Gargoyles Universe has to God, and tells him to go fuck himself. He then proceeds to kick the shit out of the big scary fairy man with the help of his best buddy who, as it turns out, was also a fairy all along. Bottom line, David Xanatos is the shit! Voiced by the always incredible Commander Riker himself, Johnny Frakes, Xanatos is the true number one Disney villain of all time. Accept no substitutes, there is only one.
And that will do it, for real this time, for Wes’s Top 20 Disney Villains. I hope you all had fun. Wes, Out!