Deep Dive Disney: Wes Reimagines Descendants 3

Welcome back everyone. We have officially reached the end of our three-part reimagining of the Descendants trilogy. This has been a very fun project and I’m honestly a bit sad it’s drawing to a close, but all good things must eventually come to an end. As far as my thoughts on the original Descendants 3 go, while I still prefer the second movie, I overall enjoy this one a little bit better than the first. Also, I'd be remiss if I failed to mention the unfortunate tragedy surrounding this film as Cameron Boyce, the actor who played Carlos, sadly passed away due to complications of an epileptic seizure at the young age of 20 only a few months before the film's release. It truly is sad to see an actor with so much potential taken from us at such a young age. Anywho, Before we get to our big finale, let’s recap our last installment. In order to further improve relations between Auradon and The Valley of the Lost, King Ben, at the suggestion of his girlfriend Mal, decides to attend school in the Valley alongside Lonnie, Jane and Audrey who’s been going through something of an existential crisis since learning that she’s actually the granddaughter of Maleficent. While attending Eastern Valley Institute of Learning, our heroes meet Uma, daughter of Ursula and her gang, consisting of Harry, son of Captain Hook, Gil, son of Gaston, Dizzy, daughter of Drizella Tremaine and Shane, son of Shan-Yu. While the adjustment was tough at first, our four Auradon kids actually started to enjoy themselves at E.V.I.L. Eventually, Uma and her gang kidnap Ben and the others, demanding the Dark Talisman in exchange for their safe release. However, this was actually a ruse to place Ben under a spell to make him fall in love with Uma so she can become queen and rule Auradon. After a big battle, Ben eventually was able to talk everyone down and get the two sides to make peace, Ben even agreed to start talking with the leaders of the Valley to officially allow children from either kingdom to take courses at whichever school they chose and names Uma the head liaison between the two kingdoms. It seemed like everything was wrapped up nicely until Maleficent appeared to inform everyone that her staff had been stolen. Yeah, turns out while all this was going on, Audrey, feeling betrayed by her home and rejected by The Valley, stole Maleficent’s staff and brought it before the often alluded to master of the Wasteland, a place where the savage creatures of Disney reside. Audrey and this master, revealed to be Scar from The Lion King, formed an alliance and now plan to destroy both Auradon and The Valley and rule what remains. So, with the final battle at hand, lets dive into the finale of our reimagined Descendants trilogy.

When we pick up with the third installment, it’s been a couple weeks since our heroes learned of Audrey stealing Maleficent’s staff and while everyone is on high alert, they’re trying their best to resume life as normal. Ben’s plan to integrate the two schools has already proven a success with many students from the Valley, including Shane, Dizzy and the newly introduced Celia, daughter of Dr. Facilier, now taking courses at Auradon prep. Uma is doing her part but there’s still plenty of tension between her and Mal. Old rivalries die hard as they say. Much like in the original, Ben proposes to Mal in Grandiose fashion. While everyone is celebrating the Royal engagement, Audrey, flanked by a small pack of wolves. appears in a manner very similar to how Maleficent showed up uninvited to Aurora’s christening. Audrey: Oh Dear, What an Awkward situation
Mal: Audrey! Audrey: Oh, so DO you remember me. You ALL remember me, after you were so quick to forget when Mal came along.
Ben: Audrey, it’s not like that. Whatever you’re planning, it’s not too late to turn back. Auradon is your home.
Audrey: Auradon WAS my home! I was supposed to be its Queen, but my family, my people, lied to me about who I am. If my lineage is that of a villain, then I will do what villains do. Auradon and The Valley will fall, and the Wasteland will rise!
Mal: You know that sounds completely insane right?
Enraged, Audrey blasts Mal with magical energy, knocking her back. Then, as a demonstration of her power, Audrey blasts into a crowd turning any caught in the blast, including Fairy Godmother, to stone.
Audrey: Those of you who remain, you have twenty-four hours to make your peace before my army destroys you all. And in a ball of green fire, Audrey and her wolves disappear.

A short while later, Ben and Mal are meeting with Belle, Adam and Maleficent, who’s clearly not at her full strength without her staff, in order to plan their next move. Ben asks if Maleficent, who would clearly know the strengths and weaknesses of the staff better than anyone else, can stand against Audrey.
Maleficent: Loathe though I am to admit it, while that child lacks my skill, in my current state I am no match for the raw power she now wields. I am sorry, but as long as Audrey leads an army of savage beasts and has the staff, she is unstoppable.
Mal: Well… there is one thing that can stop her.
Maleficent, knowing full well what Mal is suggesting, shoots her an annoyed look.
Maleficent: That fool will never help us
Mal: Probably not, but we have to try. Ben: What are you talking about.
Mal: My Mom’s staff draws its magic from the underworld. So, the only person who can overcome its magic is… the god of the Underworld
Adam: Hades…
Mal: …Yes
Ben: Maleficent, is Mal right? Maleficent: Yes, the power of the God of the Underworld surpasses my own, IF we can secure one of his Embers, we may have a chance.
Ben: So it’s settled. Mal and I will find Hades and try to convince him to give up one of his embers.
Maleficent: I will return to the Valley and organize the other villains to fight by your side when the time comes.
Ben: Everyone else will stay here and defend Auradon in case Audrey attacks before we return.
Adam: Son, I appreciate you taking the initiative, but how are you going to get to the Underworld.
Mal: I think I know someone who can help with that.

Cut to Mal and Ben, now joined by Evie, recruiting Celia Facilier to join their group. Ben: So Celia, you think you can get us into the Underworld
Celia: Oh yeah, my dad has plenty of friends on the other side, he’s probably got something in his stash
After Evie, Ben, Mal and Celia say their goodbyes to everyone in Auradon, our heroes set out on their journey.

In the wastelands, Audrey preps the beasts of the wasteland for battle. And, instead of Queen of Mean, Audrey and Scar sing an altered version of Be Prepared as their army is now ready to way waste to Auradon.

As the rest of the gang prepares for Audrey’s inevitable invasion, Mal, Ben, Evie and Celia reach Dr. Facilier’s voodoo emporium in the Valley of the lost. As far as Dr. Facilier in this film is concerned, honestly, I wouldn’t change a damn thing. I mean it, Jamal Sims is perfect as The Shadow Man in his one brief scene, perfectly capturing what made the original character so much fun while also adding the extra dimension of being a cool dad. I kind of wish he was in more of the movie. Sadly, I don’t really have to expand his role here, but I’m going to keep his scene mostly intact. The only difference is that the scene takes place at Facilier’s voodoo shop instead of an arcade and he gives our heroes a magic key that, if turned a special way, will turn any door into a portal to the underworld. Mal and the gang try the key on a door in Facilier’s emporium and enter the underworld

At long last, Audrey’s army is seen marching on Auradon. Adam will be leading the army into battle with Carlos, Jay, Shane, Dizzy and Lonnie by his side on the frontlines. Belle, Jane and others will stay behind to defend the castle from any sort of surprise attack and tend to any wounded who are forced to retreat. Before heading out, Belle hands Adam a potion that Adam seems to recognize. Whatever it is, it clearly causes Adam a great deal of distress just thinking about it.
Adam: … Are you sure?
Belle nods hesitantly and kisses her husband before he heads into battle. Jane also makes a point to wish Carlos luck
Jay: He doesn’t need it, he’s got us.
And with that, our heroes give a rousing speech to the armies of Auradon before heading out to meat Audrey’s army of the Wasteland in the forest outside Auradon Prep. Audrey, with Scar at her side, is giving a similar speech to her army, telling them to show no mercy. She also makes it clear that she’s aware that Mal has gone to the valley and while she’s not sure what she’s up to, she says that she has a plan to ensure she never makes it back. As Audrey says this, we see an enormous shadow of a creature with large claws towering over the rest of her army.

Meanwhile, Mal’s group has made their way into the underworld and have hitched a boat ride down the river styx. On the way, loud barking is heard in the distance.
Celia: Just how big is that dog? Mal: You’ll see
And indeed, as our heroes reach Hades' domain, they are greeted by Cerberus. Yeah, no recordings this time, we’re dealing with the actual thing. The snarling three-headed hellhound has all six eyes fixed on our heroes. Mal steps forward. Ben tries to stop her but is held back by Evie. To Ben and Celia’s utter shock, Cerberus gleefully licks Mal, to which Mal responds by scratching under the chins of the massive dog.
Mal: Oh good boy, I missed you too.
Cerberus continues to show affection towards Mal but growls at the others.
Mal: Don’t worry, they’re with me.
Ben: Uh… Mal… What’s going on? ???: I’m with pretty boy over there, what is going on? You kids aren’t dead, believe me, I’d know.
Just off to the side stands Hades himself in all his glory, looking just as smug as he always does, but still maintaining an aura of power and intimidation. Mal: … Hi Dad

So, Hades. Truth be told, I went back and forth for a long time on which version of Hades to include in this reimagining. It’s no secret that I’m incredibly partial to James Woods’ iconic portrayal back in the original Hercules (even though James Woods himself is an asshole), but I also really enjoyed Cheyenne Jackson’s weird “Deadbeat Biker Dad going through a midlife crisis” interpretation of the character, so I’m going to try for a sort of best of both worlds thing, but leaning slightly more towards the classic James Woods version. Anywho, back to the task at hand. Ben is naturally shocked to learn of the other side of Mal’s parentage.
Hades: If it isn’t my little Mal-asses cookie, come to visit dear old dad among the dear old dead.
Hades closes Ben’s mouth for him, which is still agape at the recent revelation
Hades: And you must be the boyfriend. Betcha didn’t know you were marrying into God-hood. Welcome to fam kiddo. Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em
Hades creates a cigar in his hand and playfully shoves it in Ben’s mouth, much to Ben’s confusion and Mal’s annoyance.
From here, the scene from the original plays out more or less the same as it did in the original what with Mal arguing with her dad, berating him for never being there for her and all that. Maybe Hades could be a bit more James Woodsy in this version, but the idea is still very much the same. Eventually, Ben and the others stop the argument and Hades reluctantly gives up the ember, reminding Mal that it won’t do everything for her that it does for him.

Our heroes leave the underworld using Facilier’s key and make haste for Auradon, but before they can get too far, they are stopped by a giant crab covered in gold and treasure, Tamatoa, the aforementioned plan by Audrey to stop Mal from returning to Auradon.
Tamatoa: Hello all, Audrey sends her regards
Tamatoa gets a glimpse of the ember
Tamatoa: Ooh, Shiny
Tamatoa starts the battle by knocking out Mal with his enormous claw, ensuring she can’t turn into a dragon on him. Ben, Evie and Celia do what they can, but there’s only so much they can do against an opponent so massive. Tamatoa gets ready to deliver a killing blow when he’s held back by a giant tentacle. Uma has arrived in her giant octopus form, flanked by Harry and Gil.

Uma: Hey Bottom Feeder, didn’t my mother tell you not to show your ugly face in the valley?
Tamatoa: Oh no, now I have to decide who I’m more afraid of, Ursula, or Audrey
Uma: You should be afraid of ME!!!
Uma then proceeds to use her tentacles to smack Tamatoa around like a rag doll. Think something not unlike the “Puny God” scene from Avengers. Once the giant crab is down for the count, Mal has come to and everyone is decidedly more happy to see each other than in the original, (Gil and Ben have are especially happy to see each other) but there’s still a lot of tension between Mal and Uma.

While all this is going on, Team Auradon has met Audrey’s beast army in her forest lair and the battle is about to begin. Audrey spots Adam, Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, Shane and Dizzy leading the charge and flashes a sinister smile.
Audrey: I have something special in store for each of you!
Audrey bangs her staff against the ground and each of our frontline heroes are forcibly scattered throughout the forest. As for everyone else, Scar roars and the Battleline breaks, the knights of Auradon fighting the beasts of the wasteland.

Carlos is alone in a deeper part of the forest, facing down a large and especially nasty looking wolf. And not just any wolf either, The Big Bad Wolf.
Carlos: You must be the vicious pack animal my mother warned me about.
The Wolf snarls and does his whole huff and puff thing, nearly knocking Carlos off his feet. Carlos stands his ground and gets ready to fight.

Jay and Lonnie find themselves in a similar situation, but instead of a Wolf, they find themselves encircled by an enormous python.
Jay: A Snake? Against the Son of Jafar? Really?
Lonnie is not feeling so confident, especially since there seems to be this strange whispering in her ear.
Kaa: Trussssssst in Meeeee.
Lonnie turns torwards Jay, revealing a blank, glazed over expression on her face. Now under Kaa’s control, Lonnie attacks Jay.

Shane and Dizzy stand back-to-back as a tiger emerges from the shadows.
Shane: I’ve heard about you, tiger.
Shere Khan: Then you show already know my boy, everyone runs from Shere Khan
Shane: Please, you were scared off by a child in a loincloth. And you’re outnumbered, right Dizzy… Dizzy?
Shane looks behind him to find that Dizzy is gone.
Dizzy is calling for Shane but Shane can’t seem to hear her. Dizzy suddenly finds herself attacked by an invisible opponent. Cheshire: And the Momewraths… Out Grabe! The Cheshire Cat takes a bow before becoming invisible again for another attack.

Adam now faces his opponent, and it’s the deadliest one yet. Out of the shadows comes an enormous bear with piercing red eyes, Mor’Du. Adam: I read about you in one of Belle’s books once, you’re Mor’Du. You were once a prince who allowed your own corruption to turn you into a monster. I think we have a lot in common.
Adam nervously eyes the potion Belle gave him earlier as Mor’Du roars. Adam drinks the potion and lets loose a mighty roar of his own as he transforms back into his Beast form. Beast: Come On Then!
The Beast lunges at the great demon bear and the fight is on.

Back with Mal and the gang, they encounter various obstacles on their way back to Auradon. Well, we can even include the song Night Falls during this segment. While all this is going on, Mal and Uma are constantly bickering and Ben finally asks just what their deal is. Uma: You really haven’t figured it out yet? Who’s my Mom? Ben: Ursula… what’s that got to do with it.
Uma: And who’s her Dad? Ben: Hades…
Ben gets this look on his face like he’s slowly trying to figure something out when a look of utter shock comes over him when he finally puts two and two together. See, Ursula is the daughter of Poseidon, brother of Hades, meaning that Mal and Uma are, in fact, cousins. Apparently, when they were little, they were actually really close, but over time they grew apart and when Mal went off to Auradon and started turning good, Uma became resentful, made all the worse when it was announced that Mal was cozying up to royalty. Ben and Evie try to give them the whole “We’re stronger together” speech and while the two initially aren’t having it, Mal reluctantly admits that she and Uma actually make a pretty good team.

Back in the forest, Carlos is doing his best, but on his own he’s no match for the Big Bad Wolf, until a Car Horn is heard in the distance. From out of nowhere, a 1941 Panther Deville comes screaming into the clearing running into the wolf and sending him flying. Out of the car comes Cruella De Vil herself, flanked by Jasper and Horace.
Cruella: What did Mama tell you about playing with wild dogs? Carlos hugs his mother and while she’s visibly uncomfortable with the display of affection, she reluctantly returns it nonetheless
Horace: Oy, Ain’t ye got an ‘ug for Uncle ‘Orace? Jasper: No time for that mates, we got a fight on our ‘ands. Horace and Jasper ready for battle as wolves and hyenas begin closing in on them. Before joining in, Carlos looks at the unconscious Big Bad Wolf. Carlos: You’re not going to make a coat out of him, are you? Cruella: We’ll talk about it later.

Lonnie and Jay are still equally matched, although Lonnie, under Kaa’s influence, isn’t holding back and has Jay on the ropes until an enormous Cobra emerges from the woods, swallows Kaa whole and spits him out in a mangled heap, breaking the spell on Lonnie. Jafar reverts to his human form and greets Lonnie. Jafar: Silly serpent, hypnotism is my game
Jafar turns towards Lonnie. Jafar: You must be the lovely young lady who has captured the black heart of my Jay
Jafar kisses Lonnie’s hand in his usual slimy manner. Lonnie is incredibly uncomfortable but is still polite.
Lonnie: Uh... Nice to meet you.
Jay: Dad, you can be creepy around my girlfriend later. Right now, we have a battle to win.
Jafar: Right you are my boy, time to show these beasts how snake-like we can be!

Shane is actually doing alright against Shere Khan, but doesn’t truly gain the upper hand until Hayabusa slashes Khan across the face and Shan-Yu arrives to assist. Dizzy is still struggling against the Cheshire Cat, until another cat about the same size pounces on the strange creature when his guard is down. The cat curls up to dizzy.
Dizzy: Lucifer!
Lady Tremaine arrives and stands with Dizzy as Shan-Yu and Shane enter the scene. Realizing he’s outnumbered, The Cheshire Cat waves goodbye and disappears.

The Beast is in the middle of a knock down drag out brawl with Mor’Du. As Beast is knocked to the ground, he sees his hand turn human and back to beast, meaning that the potion he drank will soon wear off. Mor’Du positions himself for an attack when he gets hit by an arrow and Gaston arrives.
Gaston: What’s the matter Beast, too kind and gentle to fight back?
Beast growls at Gaston but Gaston simply smiles and helps him up.
Gaston: So, room for one more? Beast: Be my guest
Gaston: By the way, how’s Belle? Beast growls again and the two attack Mor’Du together.

The tide of Battle truly turns when Maleficent arrives, leading an army of Disney Villains. Maleficent has kept her word and has brought the forces of the Valley of the Lost to aid against Audrey’s army. Maleficent even manages to take down Scar when he tries to attack. However, it’s not over yet as Audrey herself arrives on the battlefield and uses Maleficent’s staff to blast the armies of Auradon and the valley back. Audrey laughs evilly as The Cheshire Cat materializes beside her, holding the Dark Talisman. Audrey begins summoning the evil entity and unlike Maleficent in part one, she succeeds as a black miasma enters her body and she begins casting an enormous shadow with wings and horns. The Evil entity is now possessing Audrey’s body, and if you haven’t already figured it out, the evil entity is none other than Chernabog. Chernabog isn’t quite powerful enough yet to fully enter our world, but in Audrey’s body, which grows wings and horns, the demon has more than enough firepower to keep the entire army at bay. The forces of Auradon, The Valley and even The Wasteland, realizing that Chernabog is likely to turn on them as well, all fight as hard as they can, but Chernabog is just too powerful.

Just as all hope seems lost, Mal and the others arrive. Mal takes her Dragon Form, but even with the help of Hades’ ember, Mal is barely holding her own. Ben tries to appeal to Audrey, but she’s too far gone and blasts Ben for his trouble. Like in the original, Uma uses the power of her enchanted Sea Shell to give Mal a Power Boost, finally once again accepting her as family, but it’s still not enough. It’s only When Hades, riding into battle on Cerberus’s back, enters the fray and is able to distract Chernabog long enough for Mal to take advantage and seal Chernabog’s essence inside the Ember Hades: Eh, I got a drawer full of ‘em at home.

Audrey returns to normal and, realizing what she did, immediately surrenders. The Battle is won, but all is not well as Ben lays dead from Chernabog’s blast. Mal implores Hades to save him.
Hades: Normally I could just be all “Badda Bing, Badda Boom, You’re Alive,” but Chernabog, he’s made of tougher stuff. I can try, but… I might need a little help
Hades gestures towards Maleficent who is disgusted by Hades, but agrees to help. Together, Mal, Hades and Maleficent combine all of their magic, sending blue, purple and green energies into Ben, reviving him. The forces of Auradon and The Valley celebrate together, finally truly united as one. As everyone celebrates, we cut to Ben and Mal kissing at their wedding and a big dance party ensues. As our heroes celebrate, Audrey is approached in the dungeons by Maleficent.

Maleficent: You nearly destroyed the entire world. Maleficent raises her staff like she’s going to cast a spell and Audrey prepares for Maleficent to kill her, but surprisingly, she actually frees Audrey from her cell Audrey: I don’t understand
Maleficent: You showed promise, with a bit more finesse, you could channel your power to become a great Mistress of all evil someday. Perhaps you’d like to become my apprentice.
Audrey: When do we start, grandma?
Maleficent and Audrey join the dance party as the credits roll.

A post credits scene could show Hades safely storing the ember that now contains Chernabog in a safe place in the Underworld. The Cheshire Cat teleports in while Hades isn’t looking and takes the ember, winking at the audience before he teleports away, setting up a potential Descendants 4.
And that is the end of Wes’s reimagining of the Descendants trilogy. I had a ton of fun with this project, even if it got a bit fan fiction-y at points. Do I think this is better than the original? I can’t say for sure, but I know that this is something I personally would enjoy and I’d hope others may as well. However, I’d like to know what you guys think. Did you like my reimagining of the Descendants Trilogy? Do you think I improved upon the original? Would you like to see a fourth installment sometime in the future? After all, there were a lot of cool ideas I had that didn’t make it into the finished product. At one point I’d had plans to include Kovu from Lion King 2, Cassandra from Tangled: The Series and even Luke Skywalker of all people. Either way, I had a ton of fun with this whole thing and hope to tackle other projects in this manner in the future, but for now, we have one film in the Disney Animated Canon left to cover, so next time I journey into the … known, as I look at Frozen II.