Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: Hunter's Moon Part 2

Welcome back to Hunter’s Moon, the Three-Part Series Finale of Gargoyles. Last time, Elisa was assigned a sexy new partner, Demona has been robbing Xanatos of industrial strength disinfectant and three Gargoyles Hunters, baring some sort of connection to the original hunter we saw in City of Stone, showed up and attacked Goliath’s Clan, Angela getting the worst of it. With Angela in critical condition and unlikely to make it, Goliath swears a bloody vengeance on the hunters.

We open with a flashback to Florence Italy circa 1495 where Demona (Marina Sirtis, Take a Shot) has just stolen some kind of ancient and in all likelihood, magical, tablet. However, as she tries to escape, she’s attacked by this generation’s Gargoyle hunter, flying a dope as hell Davinci-eqsue flying machine tricked out with weapons. They chase one another through the city until Demona manages to give him the slip.

Back at the Clocktower in present day, Angela is still in rough shape and Goliath is losing it. Elisa shows up and, seeing Angela in the condition that she’s in, administers CPR. Now, I’m admittedly long overdue for a CPR refresher course, but I have been told that Elisa is not performing it properly. Regardless, it works and Angela starts breathing again. A grateful Goliath tells Elisa of the hunters, but by the way he talks, it’s clear that he’s still in rage mode from the end of the last episode.

The next morning, Bluestone is seen leaving the precinct when he’s ambushed by a team of reporters led by the mysterious John Carter from last episode. Carter wants to know about the recent Gargoyle sightings but Matt plays dumb and deflects the question by going into all his other conspiracy theories. Also, turns out Elisa told Matt about Nokkar and Easter Island. I bet he enjoyed that story. Also, if anyone’s wondering how Elisa managed to keep her job after what had to have been months of unexplained absence, we never actually find out but I do have a pet theory. While he swore to take down the organization, Matt is still technically Illuminati and probably used those connections to help Elisa keep her job. Speaking of Elisa, she and Jason are seen about to go out on patrol and Elisa looks visibly distraught. Jason can tell something’s up and tries to get Elisa to talk. While she doesn’t go so far as to tell him about the Gargoyles, she does say that a close friend of hers was attacked and that she’s worried. Jason sympathizes, saying that she understands the emotions she’s going through, and in a way, he’s still going through them himself. The two make flirty eyes at each other before they arrive at their destination, the Xanatos warehouse Demona hit last night.

Elisa scopes out the crime scene where Owen is surveying the damage. Elisa sees Owen and automatically assumes that Demona is working with Xanatos again in another attempt to destroy the Gargoyles. Owen shuts down Elisa immediately by saying, truthfully I might add, that Xanatos hasn’t been in contact with Demona for some time and presently bares the Gargoyles no ill will and in fact still feels gratitude towards them for saving his son. Elisa storms off angrily, convinced Xanatos is involved. Okay, Elisa, we need to talk. I’ll be the first to tell you that Xanatos isn’t exactly the most trustworthy man on the planet, and I also know that he turned your brother into a flying Thunder Cats character, but I think you’re letting your admittedly justified hatred of the man cloud your judgement. Think about it, Xanatos could destroy the Gargoyles any time he wants. We’re talking about a man who made the space-time continuum his bitch and became a billionaire in the process, killing six Gargoyles is a cake walk for him. Really think about this. Even if we assume Xanatos doesn’t know about the Clocktower, which, given the man’s vast recourses would be ludicrous at this point, we’ve seen that planting a tracking device on one of the Gargoyles is a simple matter for him. After that, it’s just a matter of waiting until sunrise and smashing them all with a hammer. Elisa could stop him, sure, but she can’t be there 24/7 and let’s be honest, Xanatos could totally take Elisa in a fight. If he gets caught, no way anyone would believe Elisa about the Gargoyles so at worst he’d get fined for trespassing and property damage, something that a rich man like Xanatos could easily afford. The fact that Xanatos hasn’t done this over the course of fifty plus episodes means he obviously wants the Gargoyles alive, so chill the hell out Elisa and focus on the real problem.

Over at Night Stone, Demona, under the guise of Dominique Destine, introduces her new assistant to Anton Sevarius. Seems that Xanatos finally got sick of Anton’s shit and booted his ass. Oh well, his loss is Demona’s gain. Seems that Sevarius is working on a virus for Demona. A harmless virus mind you, designed to be bonded with an antigen and act as a highly contagious cure. Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is how I Am Legend started. Robyn, Demona’s newly hired personal assistant, notes that the virus could just as easily be bonded with a deadly pathogen. Either way, it’s a money-making opportunity. Seems that Robin is going to fit in just fine in Demona’s organization. Demona takes a cannister of the virus and places it in a secret room that also contains the tablet we saw at the beginning.

Back at the Clocktower, our heroes wake up and Angela seems to have made a full recovery. Goliath is still on the war path and orders the clan to split up and search for the hunters. Our heroes just barely miss Elisa who arrives to pay the clan a visit. Elisa leaves only to be stopped by Jason before she can get to her car. Elisa invites Jason to her place for dinner and the two continue to flirt. That flirting leads to a kiss, and that kiss happens just as Goliath is standing at Elisa’s window. Goliath was apparently going to enlist Elisa’s help in searching for the Hunters, but seeing her with a human, someone she can have children with and be happy with leaves him distraught and serves as a grim reminder that Goliath and Elisa can never truly be together so he glides off. Elisa realizes that kissing Jason was probably a mistake almost immediately. Jason seems to realize it too and leaves.

Naturally, seeing Elisa kissing someone other than him has sent the already unhinged Goliath off the deep end and he’s ready to kill the first thing he sees that he doesn’t like. Fortunately for everyone’s sake, that turns out to be the Hunter’s airship. Goliath, Lexington and Brooklyn sneak aboard the ship, only to find Demona. Goliath assumes that Demona is in league with the Hunters and attacks her on sight. Usually a wise choice when dealing with Demona, but in this case, for once Demona and the clan are on the same side. Yeesh, you know things are bad when Demona of all people is the voice of reason. The Hunters ambush our heroes during the fight and march them into a cell. However, since the more aggressive male hunter is not present, the hunters decide to put a hold on wasting them. I can’t help but wonder, do the hunters know about the whole MacBeth thing? We eventually learn that they’re descended from Duncan, so they must at least know who MacBeth is. You’d think that after hunting her all these centuries these guys would have figured out that she can’t be killed conventionally. Anywho, as the Gargoyles are stuck in the cell, Demona brings the others up to speed on how the Hunters have been after her for generations and how they wiped out the last Gargoyle clans in Scotland. She may hate Goliath and the others, but she’s not about to let these hunters in stupid outfits take the life of another Gargoyle. Together, Demona and the Gargoyles escape their cell. The Hunters arrive to intercept, but this time, Goliath is ready for them and together, they take them down. Goliath is consumed with his need for vengeance, but Demona urges him to retreat. Am… am I in the Twilight Zone? What’s going on here? Anywho, our heroes fly off, Demona ominously stating that she and Goliath may not be so different.

Back on the airship, the incapacitated hunters come to and remove their masks revealing Robyn Corey and John Carter, as if it wasn’t obvious. Also, the hunters are all siblings. And, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out who the third man is as he returns to the air ship. Yup, of course it’s Jason, who’s livid that his brother and sister let the Gargoyles escape. Seems John was listening in on the Gargoyles in the brig and deduced that they were Demona’s enemies up until the point they attacked Angela and united them with Demona against them as a common foe. Translation: the hunters done fucked up. Jason is pissed when John suggests that Goliath and the others could have been allies, seems he’s very dedicated to the cause of eradicating all of Gargoyle kind. Robyn suggests that they follow the Gargoyles to where they roost and blast them to hell. The hunters locate the Clocktower, but John doesn’t like this. Killing the Gargoyles is one thing, it’s what their family has done for generations, blowing up a building full of innocent people is too much. John suggest waiting until dawn and then just smashing the Gargoyles while they’re defenseless, but it seems Robyn has figured out Demona and Dominique Destine are one and the same and sees no reason that she wouldn’t have passed that ability on to her fellow Gargoyles. Never mind the fact that we literally just established that Demona and the others are enemies and even if her human transformation weren’t a curse placed on her by a fae magician and was actually something she could share, it’s unlikely she’d just give it to people she’s trying to kill. Still, Robyn is trigger happy and decides to blow up the clocktower anyway, ending Part 2.
Again, any analysis of this episode will be saved for the end. Join me next time for the conclusion of Hunter’s Moon as well as the conclusion of Gargoyles itself.