Wes's Guide to Gargoyles: The Gathering Part 1

Welcome my friends, to Gargoyles and the start of the two part episode, The Gathering, in which all the immortals will be drawn to the fated place and fight until in the end there is only one… wait never mind, wrong notes, that is once again that other franchise that prominently features an immortal Scotsman. Anywho, let’s dive right in.

We open in Avalon where the Gathering has indeed come to pass and it looks like that gang’s all here, Anubis, Coyote, Raven, Grandmother, Odin and even Anansi. I can’t help but notice that Anansi is still a giant spider. You think that’s his true form or is Anansi like that weird little kid who never takes off his Halloween costume like Max from Where the Wild Things Are. As Odin bows before Oberon, The Weird Sisters arrive with the Banshee in tow. Remember, she didn’t want to go back to Avalon either. The Banshee is pissed to be back on the island and releases her deadly scream, but Odin fights her, the two transforming into their bear and death worm forms. With a gesture, Oberon breaks up the fight. Keep in mind, this is the ruler of the Norse pantheon and the equivalent to the Grim Reaper in Irish folklore and Daddy Oberon just stopped them dead in their tracks as if they were squabbling kindergarteners. Oberon even takes away Banshee’s voice for her disobedience. The Triplets inform Lord Oberon that only two remain unaccounted for, Lady Titania and Puck. Titania, as Oberon’s wife, is free to come and go as she pleases (Oberon may be all powerful, but he’s not stupid). Puck however is another matter. Oberon plans to track Puck down himself in the Mortal realm, even borrowing Boudicca from Princess Katherine to help.

We then cut to the castle in Manhattan where Petros Xanatos, Halcyon Renard and Anastasia Renard (Kate Mulgrew, Take a Shot) have all gathered for the impending birth of their Grandchild. This is also the first time we see Owen and Vogel in the same room, causing Petros to inquire if they’re related, though Vogel denies it adamantly. Anastasia also makes a comment that she has recently gotten remarried to her first husband, something that seems to leave Owen visibly shaken. Allow me to illustrate the magnitude of what has just happened. Owen may very well be the most stoic character in this or any work of fiction. He has stared Gargoyles in the eye without so much as flinching. We are talking about a man who had his left arm turned to stone by a magical cauldron and just shrugged it off. The only other time Owen has even been remotely nervous was when Demona cast an evil curse that turned the entire city to stone. Something really bad is about to happen. However, the impending doom will have to wait since glad tidings are upon us as Xanatos (Jonathan Frakes, Take a Shot) arrives holding his newborn son, Alexander Fox Xanatos. As the new grandparents take turns holding the baby, Owen warns Xanatos not to leave little Alex alone with Anastasia.

Meanwhile, Oberon, having assumed a human form, arrives at Xanatos’s skyscraper, having tracked Puck’s scent to the building. After pulling a “These Are Not the Droids You’re Looking For” on the security guard, Oberon senses the presence of Titania. Oberon arrives in Xanatos’ bedroom in his true form and I love how Xanatos is not the least bit worried about a large blue god man breaking into his house. It’s here where we learn what I bet most of you have figured out by this point, Anastasia Renard doesn’t just sound like Titania, she IS Titania. Do you see what I’ve been talking about!? All these Kate Mulgrew characters are one and the same! I swear, the woman has only played about five actual characters in her entire career we just haven’t noticed because they all lead double lives across multiple franchises. And yes, this means that Titania was married to both Oberon and Halcyon Renard because... I guess she has a thing for guys who look like Dracula. Anywho, Titania explains the whole thing. During the one-thousand-year divorce period between the Lord and Lady of Avalon, Titania studied the human magic known as science. Through this study, Titania met and fell in love with Halcyon Renard and eventually gave birth to Fox. However, Halcyon proved too rigid to hold the fairy queen’s attention, so she left him. It seems that Fox has no magical ability of her own despite her heritage but Alex on the other hand is a different story. He has great potential for magic that must be nurtured. So, Titania has come to take Alex away to Avalon where he can be trained in his mystical heritage. Oberon agrees to this but Xanatos stands up to him. Keep in mind, Oberon is the most powerful character we see in the entire show. For all intents and purposes, this is the God of this Universe. God has demanded the firstborn son of David Xanatos be given to him and Xanatos stares him right in the face and says “no.” Xanatos tries to blast Oberon with a laser but it avails him not. Oberon gives Fox and Xanatos one hour to say goodbye before they return to take the child forever.

We cut to the clocktower where the Gargoyles are busy watching a news report on the birth of the baby Xanatos, Brooklyn can’t help but feel that the baby is going to be big trouble. Oh Brooklyn, you have NO IDEA how right you are. Anywho, our heroes are interrupted by the return of Goliath and the others and it’s a touching reunion as the clan is one big happy family once again. The clan is also introduced to Angela, who is immediately embraced by the others as a member of their family. Broadway even tries to put the moves on Angela like the charmer that he is. Goliath tells of their adventures, of how the children of their clan are thriving in Avalon and of how other Gargoyles still live in places like Japan, Guatemala and London. I love Hudson’s reaction to learning that their clan isn’t the last of Gargoyle-kind, he seems elated just with the knowledge that they are no longer alone. Goliath promises that there will be many stories of their adventure to come, but right now Goliath and the others are just happy to be home.

Back with Xanatos, it seems Owen was well aware of Anastasia’s true identity but did not suspect that she was after Alex until she mentioned her first husband. Knowing what’s coming, Owen has implemented some security measures that should keep Oberon at Bay, at least temporarily. Owen also gives two pieces of advice. The first is of Oberon’s vulnerability to iron. The second is the fact that energy is energy regardless of whether it’s generated by science or sorcery and even Oberon’s has limits. However, Owen says he cannot stay for the coming battle and leaves.

Goliath drops Elisa off at her apartment and they share a touching moment in which they express their feelings for one another and lament the fact that they can never truly be together. When Goliath returns to the Clocktower, Titania appears and brings our heroes up to speed. Goliath says that separating a parent from their child is never the answer, even if that parent is Xanatos, so Goliath is ready to fight, even if Oberon could likely crush him with a thought.

Back at the castle, Xanatos is distraught that Owen, his most loyal friend and employee, has deserted him. However, his security measures do seem to be pretty tough as they create a barrier around the building that not even Oberon seems to be able to penetrate, even after he throws a Cadillac at it. Oberon declares that he's through playing games and uses his magic to put the entire city to sleep and then grows to the size of the building itself as we end part 1.
As per usual with multi-parters, we’ll be saving the analysis for the end. Join me next time for part two where our heroes are in for their biggest fight yet and another shocking reveal is still to come.