Top 10 Lucha Underground Stars of Season 3

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, the season has ended, but that doesn’t mean we’re quite done yet. I’m sorry I copped out on the last few episodes, but in my defense, I have two very time consuming jobs and I have also just recently finished moving. However, when we did our very first Lucha Underground article, I promised I would unveil the Wes’s Blogs and Reviews Lucha Underground Season 3 MVP, and that’s just what I’m going to do. However, I’m never one to half ass these things, so instead of just unveiling one, we’re counting a whole Top Ten!
Before we get started, just a few things to keep in mind. One, I know some of you aren’t caught up on the current season. As such, there will be some spoilers for major events of the season throughout the article. Second, this list only counts down the top stars of the third season and does not take seasons 1 and 2 into account. If you want an article that deals with my thoughts on the first two season, follow this link for my list of the top ten matches of the first two seasons. Also, before we get started, all season I’ve been giving my match, spot and segment of the nights for every individual episode. Join me as we do so one last time but for the entire season, the winners of which will receive some bonus points to their final overall score.
Match of the Season:
There were a lot of strong contenders here. The 5-0 Street Fight remains a personal favorite. Aztec Warfare III was one of the most fun articles I got to write all season and the Weapons of Mass Destruction match was delightfully violent, but I think the only real choice here is Killshot and Dante Fox in the Hell of War match. We’d been building to this showdown for an entire season and on the first night of Ultima Lucha Tres, these two delivered and then some. This was a perfect storm of hardcore violence and technical skill that must be seen to be believed.
Spot of the Season:
Call this a cop out if you like, but I simply could not pick any one spot to take this category, but I do know that no matter which of the many I have to choose from would have taken it, it would have gone to Dante Fox. This guy is an instant five-star match machine!
Segment of the Season: While there were tons of fun scenes in this season, I knew from the second it aired that I’d be giving this spot to the meeting between Catrina and Captain Vazquez. From the beginning of the season, we’d known that these two were connected in some way, but how remained a mystery for the majority of the season. However, when they finally appeared on screen together, the mystery was solved with just one word… mother. As soon as Catrina revealed the familial relationship between herself and Vazquez, I nearly dislocated my jaw in total shock.
But let’s keep going and get to why we’re all really here, however, I fear I must delay just a little further and spoltlight the first of two honorable mentions.
Not only was this lovely luchadora the focal point of one the most interesting storylines all season, she is also the focal point of one of my favorite recurring gags in all of my articles. So without further ado, I give to you, the Sexy, Seductive, Sultry, Sassy, Superior, Sinister, Slithering, Sumptous, Scaly, Scary, Superb, Sensual, Sapphire Serpentine Senorita…
Kobra Moon

Kobra Moon, Thunder Rosa, Melissa Cervantes, whatever you’d like to call her, this reptile queen is easily one of the most memorable figures ever to enter the squared circle. Under the mask of Kobra Moon, she took on something of an Emperor Palpatine role as she slowly seduced Drago to the Dark side and those scenes almost always made segment of the night. In addition, the lovely Melissa Cervantes has long been a reader of my articles and and a supportive one at that, and for that reason, she has my gratitude.
And now, on with the main event. Up first, well he tried to tell you so, but I guess you didn’t know, it’s the return of…
10. The Mack

Starting off the countdown strong with someone who’s been a mainstay of the temple since season 1. A loyal friend and ally to many, especially Sexy Star, Mack has proven himself time and time again against the likes of Marty the Moth, The World Wide Underground and my personal favorite of his opponents, Cage. However, it is in this season that The Mack truly came into his own. After winning the Battle of the Bulls, The Mack went on to take Johnny Mundo to his limits all night long. But that wasn’t enough. Upon winning the Battle Royale, Mack went on to conquer the Reptile Tribe alongside two unlikely allies to become Lucha Underground Trios Champion. With a surprisingly agile moveset for such a big guy as well as a stunner that would make even Steve Austin himself proud, there is no doubting that the Mack deserves a spot on this list.
Our next entrant needs no introduction as his phenomenal legacy speaks for itself.
9. Rey Mysterio

Since his days in WCW, I have been a massive fan of Rey Mysterio Jr., and with good reason. Rey-Rey is arguably the most famous masked wrestler in the entire world. When he arrived in Lucha Underground, it was clear that shit had just gotten real. While Rey isn’t quite at the level he was back when he’d have his stellar matches against the legendary Eddie Guerrero, all season long, Rey has proven that he’s nowhere near ready to be put on the shelf just yet. Be it the then Lucha Underground Champion Johnny Mundo, or the terrifying monster, Matanza, the latter of whom had his legendary undefeated streak ended at Rey’s hands, Rey has proven why he deserves to be called a legend.
Do you feel a cold chill down your spine, or perhaps an impending feeling of doom, as if death itself is not too far away, it must be…
8. Mil Muertes

The Man of a Thousand Deaths, the scourge of Lucha Underground, the dark king of The Underworld itself. Once a young child named Pasquale Mendoza, upon being buried in an Earthquake, he was found and transformed into the monster we know today by the mysterious Catrina. Since then, Mil has been a nigh unstoppable force in Lucha Underground and this season was no exception. Most exceptional is that he finally managed to win a Grave Consequences match, y’know, the match that’s supposed to be his specialty but lost two seasons in a row. But I digress, all season long, Mil put on excellent matches with the likes of Prince Puma and Jeremiah Crane, culminated in a most excellent three way dance for the gauntlet of the Gods. I don’t know what will be happening next season, but I have a feeling that the attack from King Cuerno will only serve to make Mil deadlier than ever.
Up next, be sure you don’t find yourself in this Luchador’s crosshairs. He’s a deadlier accurate sniper and he might hit you with a…
7. Killshot

The unknown soldier, the man with no face. Much like his ally the Mack, it was in this season that Killshot truly came into his own. When he first arrived in Lucha Underground, he was little more than a lackey for Big Ryck, and unlike the Mack, he didn’t have a coming out party at Ultima Lucha. Season 2 Killshot’s character took shape and his military background as well as the importance of his dog tags were revealed, but it was not until season 3 that Killshot made his impact and cemented himself as one of the most valuable players in the temple. It started with the Weapons of Mass Destruction match that allowed him to get even with Marty the Moth, but that was only the beginning of Killshot’s journey as the ghosts of his past would soon come back to haunt him, culminating in… well, if you saw what my match of the season was, you know darn well how that story ends. Bottom Line, Killshot is one of the best in the temple and I’m very happy he earned a spot on the list.
Coming up next, from the last house on the left, it’s…
6. Jeremiah Crane

Jeremiah Crane did not make the best first impression of Lucha Underground. Introduced as Ivelisse’s douchebag drunk boyfriend, it was difficult to see him as anything other than at best a pathetic substitute for Son of Havoc and at worst, a step backwards for Ivelisse’s character. Then he got in the ring. Yeah, that shut me up right good and quick. Reminiscent of the likes of Raven and The Sandman, Jeremiah Crane is a practitioner of the Hardcore style, something I very much appreciate. The Lucha Death Machine was a very welcome addition to the roster for Season 3 and his storyline with Catrina, culminating in a stellar match with Mil Muertes, was an absolute blast. I cannot wait to see more of him in Season 4.
We’re halfway through, so it’s time to catch our breaths and discuss another honorable mention, a man with who, much like myself, takes his pizza very seriously. I speak of course of…
Vinnie Massaro

By now my readers should know the criteria for making this list. Points are awarded to whosoever wrestles the best matches, performs the best spots or participates in the most interesting storylines. However, there is a fourth way to earn points with me, not necessarily as a wrestler, but as a human being, is just by being a decent and friendly person. While the Sicilian Striker is an excellent in-ring performer that is not what earns him a spot on this list. No, Vinnie is on this list because very few have been more supportive of these articles than him. He’s a great guy who’s easy to talk to and someone I’m proud to call my friend. Vinnie, because I know you’re reading this, thank you so much for all your help, support and Hey Arnold Fan-Fiction Brainstorm Sessions. It’s been an honor my friend.
And now, on with the show, our next entry has been called a creepy bastard, a disgusting insect and all manner of unpleasant things befitting the creep that he is, but you can just call him…
5. Marty “The Moth” Martinez

The temple is often envisioned as a place where anything is possible, but I doubt anyone could conceive of the depravity that Marty the Moth is capable of. Be it the kidnapping and torture of Sexy Star for the better part of several months, or the theft and desecration of Killshot’s precious military dog tags, or more recently, the stalking of Lucha Underground’s lovely ring announcer, Melissa Santos and the subsequent coveting of her lover, Fenix’s mask. Marty, alongside his twisted sister, Mariposa, will forever be known as one of the sickest minds ever to grace the world of Lucha Underground. They say Luchadores are like the superheroes of the wrestling world. If that’s so, then Marty here, is Lucha Underground’s resident Joker, with all the twisted insanity that comes with it.
Now, at the beginning of the season, I made a point to note that non-wrestlers were eligible for a spot on the list. So, without further ado, if any non-wrestler was ever the most likely to earn a spot, it would definitely have been this man
4. Dario Cueto

Who would you say is the most iconic figure in Lucha Underground? Puma, Mundo, Sexy Star, perhaps Pentagon? All of them great choices, but if there is one figure who can truly lay claim to that title above all else, who can proudly stand up and declare “I am Lucha Underground” it is El Jefe himself, Dario Cueto. I love everything about Dario’s character. On the surface, he is the sleaziest of sleazy business man with a taste for the finer things, a good drink, a nice tailored suit, and above all else, VIOLENCE!! However, lurking just below that surface is a more complicated and nuanced character than one may realize. Dario is capable of unspeakable evil, such as the brutal murder of Mr. Sisko or the sadistic pleasure he took in Matanza’s decapitation of Bael, but this season, Dario began to display a great deal more humanity than expected. We see that Dario genuinely cares for his monstrous younger brother and, more so even than that, he is terrified for his own life and feels trapped by the sinister cabal he’s thrown in with. I’ll avoid spoiling exactly what happened, but suffice to say the final moments of Ultima Lucha Tres left Dario’s fate ambiguous, but I am confident that we have not seen the last of El Jefe.
Up next, the great serpent from El Inframundo
3. Drago

My first ever episode of Lucha Underground was the one that directly succeeded the very first Aztec Warfare. That particular episode featured a match between King Cuerno and Drago, my first time laying eyes on the great dragon of the dark world. After admittedly chuckling because to me, his mask caused him to bare a resemblance to B.P. Richfield of Dinosaurs, I saw that extremely talented and unique Luchadore that Drago truly is. Most of last season was spent locked in combat with The World Wide Underground, forging a powerful bond with his comrades Fenix and Aerostar. This season however, Kobra Moon entered the picture not only to shed some light on Drago’s mysterious past, but also to fracture that bond, perhaps even permanently. I will never forget the moment that Drago spit the poison mist at Aerostar and chose once again to be a slave of the reptile tribe. Regardless of alignment, Drago is an extremely talented in-ring competitor as well as a mythical figure in the world of Lucha Underground.
He’s become a name synonymous with Lucha Underground, making his ultimate fate all the more tragic. One last time, give it up for…
2. Prince Puma

What is there to say about Prince Puma that hasn’t already been said be reviewers more talented and insightful than myself. Every time Puma walks into the ring, The result is pure gold. From day one, Puma has been kicking eleven different kinds of ass and continued to do so throughout three seasons. Be it against Johnny Mundo, Mil Muertes, PJ Black, Johnny Mundo or even our eventual number one, there has never been a Prince Puma match that I would deem a disappointment. This of course makes his ultimate fate all the more tragic. After losing the Lucha Underground Title to Pentagon Dark, Puma was forced to leave the temple, and Lucha Underground, forever. The final moments of Ultima Lucha Tres in which Puma slowly walked out of the temple, leaving his mask behind, was one of the most powerful scenes I’ve ever witness. While I’m very happy to know that Richochet, the man behind Puma’s mask, will soon be heading to greener pastures, it breaks my heart that because of this, the Prince Puma character has effectively ceased to exist. So, let us raise our glasses to the first ever Lucha Underground Champion one last time. I would say there’s no one better, but we still have one more to go.
And so, we have reached number one. Ladies and Gentlemen, this man has only been in Lucha Underground for a comparatively short time compared to some of the others on this list, but in that short time, he has impressed me more than anyone on this list purely through his skill and athletic prowess. He is a Weapon of Mass Destruction, He is a one Third of the Lucha Underground Trios Champions, he is a fellow Connecticut resident, he is…
1. Dante Fox

It all started with a charred letter to Killshot reading “You Left Me For Dead.” Soon after, out of the shadows of the past emerged Dante Fox. Having spent a great deal of time as a prisoner of war and blaming his former brother in arms for his predicament, Dante dedicated himself to tracking down Killshot and getting revenge. However, once he arrived in the temple, it quickly became apparent that Dante was an even more exciting competitor than even Killshot himself. I guess Dario Cueto realized that too as he was offered a contract pretty much on the spot. And from there, Dante proved with each match that he not only belonged there, but he belonged at the top. His matches with the likes of El Dragon Azteca Jr., Son of Havoc, Prince Puma and of course, Killshot are like works of art. His movements are so fluid and his counters are seamless. Every move he makes could potentially have made spot of the night. As I said at the beginning, the Hell of War match was easily the best of the entire season, and though Killshot was the one who emerged victorious, to me, both men were winners. Last we saw Dante, he, Mack and his former brother turned bitter enemy were standing tall holding the trios titles. Will Fox and Killshot be able to put their bloody history behind them? Time will tell. However, I just hope that we see more of Dante Fox in season 4. Dante Fox is a skilled competitor, a ruthless soldier and I am proud to declare, that he is, The Wes’s Blogs and Reviews Lucha Underground MVP.
And so, this series of Lucha Underground Articles has come to an end. This has been a hell of a journey and I have enjoyed every second. Before we sign off, I’d like to thank all the writers, promoters actors and of course, wrestlers of Lucha Underground for working together to bring us this quality product. I’d like to thank all my readers for their continued support. I’d like to give a special thanks to my friends Jon and Ashton over at TwitWoW who’s help, both direct and indirect, has been instrumental in making these articles what they are. And last but not least, I’d like to thank my dear friend Jenna for her support and being my best Lucha friend. And with all that out of the way, it is time to say goodbye. Hopefully soon, our regularly scheduled Comic Book reviews will resume and God willing, I’ll see you all back here for Season 4.