Top 20 Dragonball Abridged Moments #10
Poor, poor, Krillin. One of the strongest human beings in the entire franchise, reduced to pathetic comic relief. You’d think any guy, even a bald dwarf with no nose, who’s as strong and as good-hearted as Krillin would find himself a nice girl, but up to this point in the abridged series, the only girl Krillin’s been able to find was an undercover government agent who nailed him for life-insurance fraud. And so, how does Krillin, a man having no sex whatsoever, react to a man having too much sex? Like this of course.
10. I feel like a man Dying of Thirst watching another man Drown.

Another entry for the most recent episode. We’ve previously discussed Chi-Chi’s insatiable sexual appetite in a previous installment, but it bares repeating. It’s simply hilarious seeing Goku exhausted beyond reason because he just can’t keep up. Naturally, Goku vents about this to his best friend since childhood, Krillin. Krillin, who I’ll remind you is having no sex at all, responds in a manner that’s both humorous and clever. I don’t even have much else to say about this one. I just really liked the line. Lanipator voices Krillin in the abridged series, and I’ve always loved the voice he uses. It doesn’t sound much like Sonny Strait, Krillin’s main series voice actor, which allows the abridged Krillin to take on an identity of his own much more so than many of the other characters, which in my opinion, makes us feel for him all the more in this scene. Don’t worry Krillin, when it comes to the ladies, you’ll be getting the last laugh in the end.