Top 20 Dragon Ball Abridged Moments #9
Back when Goku gave his life to defeat Raditz, his training was still far from over. Goku was told he would receive training from King Kai, the Dragon Ball equivalent of God. At least he was until they revealed that the Dragon Ball Universe pantheon is ridiculously huge, leaving our buddy King Kai horribly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but that’s a discussion for another day. Anywho, in order to receive this training, Goku had to do what few had ever done before him and reach the end of Snake Way. At the time, it was an impressive feat, but later we see that Piccolo, Tien, Chaotzu, Yamcha and even the Ginyu Force find their way to King Kai’s planet, so how great an accomplishment can it really be. 9. There’s a Tree in my Living Room, what’s up?

When the recently deceased Ginyu force finds their way to the fabled planet of King Kai, begging the question of who the hell even told them about it in the first place, you’d think that Yamcha and the others would put their training under King Kai to good use and fight them off, right? Nope! After an easily triggered Guldo uses his psychic abilities to throw a tree through King Kai’s house. After that, King Kai walks out, and, very nonchalantly I might add, says
Hey, I was just inside taking a crap, I’m old, takes me a while. Come out, there’s a tree in my living room. What’s up?
I absolutely love King Kai’s delivery in this scene, and it honestly makes perfect sense. King Kai is a god after all, he’s probably seen a lot in his day. I mean hell, Kai’s got a psychotic space pirate living in the core of his planet, a tree in his living room is probably nothing to him. And then, when the Ginyu Force provokes him, he sends them all to hell like they’