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Doctor Who: The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot

In this made for TV special written and directed by Peter Davison himself, the classic Doctors celebrate Doctor Who’s anniversary in style.

It’s time to film the big 50th anniversary special and Peter Davison wants a piece of the action. But when Stephen Moffat won’t return his calls, he enlists the help of Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy to help put his half-baked plan to get himself into the special into motion.

This is, simply put, a tribute to Doctor Who made for fans, by fans. The dialogue is hilarious, the three actors play off each other remarkably well, and the entire special is chuck-a-block full of clever in-jokes and excellent cameos. John Barrowman, who played Jack Harkness, pops up. David Troughton and Sean Pertwee (who now plays Alfred Pennyworth on Gotham), the sons of the Second and Third Doctors respectively, both have small cameo roles. Even Sir Ian McKellan, Sylvester McCoy’s co-star in The Hobbit gets in on the fun.

There’s one part of the special that makes me absolutely laugh out loud. At one point, Sylvester McCoy suggests they call Tom Baker to see if he wants in, only to be answered by Stock Footage from the unfinished episode, Shada. The joke within the joke being that this was the same bit of stock footage that was used to explain the Fourth Doctor’s absence from the 1983 special, The Five Doctors. This is an absolutely superb special and it is definitely worth the watch.

Well, next time we get back to the countdown as well as the new series. I just have one question: Are you my Mummy?

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