Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi Universe Episode 1: No Need for Discussions!

I must be crazy to be starting yet another ongoing retrospective, but with Once Upon a Time’s current season wrapping up this week, I’m going to need something to fill space, so why not take that opportunity to cover a subject matter we have yet to cover here on the site, anime. I enjoy anime, though I’d never quite label myself an otaku per se. Knowing very little about Japanese customs and culture, any time I view an anime or read a manga, it is always through the eyes of a westerner, accustomed to a style of storytelling better suited to American comics or film. I only mention this so those more knowledgeable in these matters will understand where I’m coming from here. That said, let’s talk about today’s subject matter, Tenchi Muyo! I’ve always been aware of the Tenchi series, having seen countless adds for it when I would watch Toonami back in my youth, but I never really had the interest. However, in recent years, various recommendations and reviews, particularly those of online anime reviewer, Bennett the Sage, have peaked my interest in the series and I’ve finally decided to give it a try. Ordinarily this is where I’d share the basic premise of the series, which I do have a passing familiarity with, but since I’m going into this series relatively blind, I’ve opted to omit that section so that my readers can experience the story as it unfolds as I am. So, without further delay, let’s jump right in to the first episode of Tenchi Universe.
We open with our hero, Tenchi Masaki, seeing something fall out of the sky. Curious as to what’s going on, Tenchi finds what appears to be the wreckage of a crashed spaceship and an unconscious woman. After reviving the mysterious woman with some water from a nearby spring she introduces herself as Ryoko and latches onto Tenchi like a lovesick puppy. Ryoko says she’s being chased by an evil space pirate, and pleads with Tenchi to save her. As Tenchi desperately tries to process all of this, said space pirate makes its appearance, complete with a huge mech suit. Ryoko hides behind Tenchi and begs him to save her. Lady, he’s a seventeen-year-old kid, he’s not Iron Man, what do you expect him to do? Tenchi, not exactly being the brave type, runs for his life, but gets cornered by the space pirate on a cliff. While Ryoko tries to convince poor Tenchi to jump, the pirate slips on a rock and, like a tortoise that’s fallen on its back, can’t seem to get up. Still not sure what to make of all this, decides to take Ryoko back to home, but not before Ryoko kicks the Space Pirate off the cliff for spite.
At the Masaki residence, we meet Tenchi’s dad, Nobuyuki and his grandfather, Yosho, both of whom are wondering why Tenchi is so late coming home. When Tenchi arrives at home, exhausted and freaked out from the day he’s just had, Nobuyuki, who sounds, and to an extent acts, like a Canadian Homer Simpson, makes matters worse by blatantly hitting on Ryoko. Over dinner, Ryoko tells her story, including the part where she is from outer space and being relentlessly pursued by a vicious pirate. While Tenchi has the normal reaction a person would have to such a story, thinking that Ryoko is either crazy or just full of crap, Nobuyuki and Yosho instantly believe her, offer to protect her in any way in they are able, and all but marry off Tenchi off to her. Later that evening, and presumably after poor Tenchi has hit his head against the wall for twenty straight, we get what is easily the funniest scene in the entire episode. There’s a knock at the front door and Tenchi answers, only to be greeted by the space pirate and subsequently calls up to Ryoko saying it’s for her. Naturally, a fight ensues, and by a fight, I mean Tenchi and Ryoko run like hell while the pirate gives chase. That is, until Yosho arrives and challenges the Space Pirate. Now, I’ll admit, Yosho looks pretty badass here, but you do realize that you’re going up against a high-tech robo-suit with a wooden sword, right? This is like trying to win a Nascar race in a golf cart. Even more astounding is, he actually manages to win the fight, destroying the mech suit, and revealing the “space pirate” to be a galactic police officer named Mihoshi who’s been pursuing the real Space Pirate, Ryoko, showing her ID badge and Ryoko’s wanted poster as proof. Seeing that her cover has been blown, Ryoko drops the act and attacks Tenchi and Mihoshi. Mihoshi tries to shoot Ryoko, but Ryoko reveals that she has superpowers and deflects the attacks with an energy shield. Since Mihoshi isn’t particularly bright and is a bit of a wet blanket, she breaks down crying, and then runs for her life along with Tenchi. With Ryoko flying after them shooting energy blasts. However, as it turns out, Ryoko was just messing with them and had no intention of killing them after all. Mihoshi asks if this means she’ll surrender herself, and while at first she says yes she “accidentally” destroys her special pen which contained all her information as well as any means she has of contacting the space police.
The next morning, the Masaki family, along with Ryoko and Mihoshi are all having breakfast together, which I can only assume to be more awkward than thanksgiving dinner at the Skywalker house. Since Mihoshi has nowhere else to go, she’s invited to stay at casa de Masaki, along with Ryoko, who’s basically just invited herself to live because she’s bored and she finds Tenchi amusing. And so our episode ends with Tenchi, the poor bastard, having to fix all the damage last night’s battle did to their house as Ryoko flirts with him.
Well, my first little venture into the Tenchi universe was certainly a fun one. I found I really enjoyed the characters, Tenchi in particular. I just love how he just keeps getting more and more frustrated by all the insanity happening around him. You really feel for the poor guy. He’s no great hero like Goku or Monkey D. Luffy, he’s just an average kid who is thrust into this ridiculous and fantastical situation and he reacts as any sane person logically would. Ryoko is a fun character, though I simply must address this plot hole. If Ryoko is as powerful as she demonstrates, why wouldn’t she have blasted Mihoshi to kingdom come right off the bat instead of putting on the damsel in distress act with Tenchi. I mean, mech suit or no mech suit, how hard can it possibly be to take down someone who could likely be occupied for days by a card with “turn this card over” printed on both sides. But still, I found the character’s flirty yet dangerous persona to be a nice counterpoint to the more down to earth Tenchi. Overall, I was pleased with my first Tenchi experience. It was funny, the characters were engaging, and our main hero is likeable and relatable. Will this continue to hold true as we continue to look at Tenchi? Only time will tell.