Deep Dive Pixar: Wes Looks at Cars
Welcome ladies, gentlemen and alternatively gendered individuals to Cars, the film I believe to be one of the biggest black marks on...

Deep Dive Disney: Wes Looks at Kim Possible: So the Drama
Hey, look at that, we’re talking about Kim Possible again. I truly am glad that I decided to include the Disney Channel made for TV Kim...

Deep Dive Pixar: Wes Looks at The Incredibles
Ladies, gentlemen and alternatively gendered individuals, welcome to a very exciting edition of Deep Dive Pixar, a sub-division of Deep...

Deep Dive Disney: Wes Looks at Home on the Range
Welcome back to Deep Dive Disney. Today we’re covering one of the most infamous entries in the animated Disney canon, Home on the Range....

Deep Dive Disney: Wes Looks at The Lilo & Stitch/Kim Possible Crossover
No, you’re not high right now, this was actually a thing. Lilo and Stitch had a crossover with Kim Possible and today, on a special bonus...

Deep Dive Disney: Wes Looks at Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time
Welcome back everyone, to a very special edition of Deep Dive Disney. Because I need a buffer between Brother Bear and Home on the Range...

Deep Dive Disney: Wes Looks at Brother Bear
It’s been a minute since we’ve covered a Disney film that was just… just, bad. Well, the wait, if there ever was one, is over because...

Deep Dive Disney: Wes Looks at Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Ladies, gentlemen and alternatively gendered individuals, welcome to a very special edition of Deep Dive Disney. Alright everybody, hoist...

Deep Dive Pixar: Wes Looks at Finding Nemo
Welcome everybody! Today, Deep Dive Disney, or rather Deep Dive Pixar, dives once again all the way down to the bottom of the sea as we...

Deep Dive Disney: Wes Looks at 101 Dalmations 2: Patch's London Adventure
It sometimes baffles me what Disney chooses to make a sequel out of. I mean with the other sequels we covered, they at least came out...